Title: You're Never To Old To Get In A Game
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2Everyone knows diet and exercise are good for
your body. Bottom line is if you're not having
fun, you will not stick with any workout plan.
The good news is there are plenty of ways to make
exercise fun and something you can enjoy and look
forward to doing. I know when I started playing
tennis at 41 it was one of the best choices I
ever made. You are never too old to compete, your
level of competition drops with age but so what.
You can still have the mental edge to compete at
any age, you just have to get off your butt and
do it! The following tips will put you on the
right track to all of your fitness goals. Pick A
Sport - Any Sport I'm not saying run out and
start playing a sport. If you are overweight or
just getting back into exercising, the last thing
you should do is start competing. However, at
this stage, you should write a goal or two of the
sport you would like to start competing. This is
good mentally to get you wanting to exercise.
3Once you have a sport in mind, Google local
events or tournaments then make time during the
weekend to go watch people in your age range
compete. This will give you a good idea of the
fitness level you need to make. Plus it will get
the juices flowing and make you realize you don't
have an all-star athlete to compete and have fun!
Now Is The Time To Take Action You've done your
research and decided what sport you will be
competing. Now it's time to start getting your
body ready! If you're already in shape and ready
to start playing, take some lessons. Private
lessons are expensive so if you cannot afford
them, contact your local parks and rec
department. Many have free or extremely low-cost
lessons. You can also look for a partner by going
on Craigslist. You need to realize you are not
alone. There are plenty of people just like you
that are getting into a new sport everyday. The
sport you have chosen! You can also go to
http//www.meetup.com, put in your local city and
sport to find opportunities.
4Set Realistic Goals One of the most important
things I 14 Day Perfect Booty Review can tell you
is to not set the barometer too high. Be
realistic with what you are trying to do. For
example, if your goal is to run a marathon, set a
series of smaller goals like running a 3k, then
5k then a half until you get to the full
marathon. For me with tennis, I Googled learn
tennis and found several different things I could
do on my own to practice - free! I then went on
Craigslist and found someone to play so I could
get an idea of my level. When we met I asked him
questions before we started playing - where does
he get games? How often does he play? Ever play
any tournaments? What are the best ones? Play any
leagues? The list can go on and on and applies
for any sport. People love to help other people,
all you have to do is ask. Include Strength
Training I do not care what sport you decide to
begin your fitness journey, strength training is
a must. I will be posting strength exercises here
soon. You can also find many ideas on the
internet. You can strength exercise for as little
as 20 minutes a day, http//www.enriqueiglesias.co
ew 3 days a week. It is important you use good
form and do not overdo your first few times at
the gym to avoid injury. Anyone over 35 should
consult their doctor before beginning a new
exercise routine, especially women over 40 and
men over 50.