Title: Predictive Health Population Analytics
1Predictive Health Population Analytics
- Veera S Raghavan
- Executive Director Global Practice
HeadHealthcare and Life SciencesDell Services - October 2015
2Modifiable health
0 25 65
Illness Pre-Illness Wellness
60-80 Lifestyle
Unpredictable Health Predictable (Rules-based)
Adapted by DrNick from 2009 Continua Health
Alliance -Brigitte Piniewski, MD
3To put it another way.
0 25 65
Illness Pre-Illness Wellness
Adapted by DrNick from 2009 Continua Health
Alliance -Brigitte Piniewski, MD
4Challenges US example
5Analytics can make a difference US example
6Evolution of IT in healthcare delivery
As healthcare delivery evolves towards
collaborative care models, the ability to share
data and use it to improve decision making will
be a key transformative milestone
7What can you do with your big data?From
reporting to search, discovery and prediction
Comparative Effectiveness Research
Clinical Decision Support
Patient Profiling
Performance Mgmt
Disease Mgmt/Patient Compliance
Population Analytics
Outcome Improvement
Personalized health interventions
Demographics, history utilization
Cohort Analysis
Predictive modeling
Population health records
Retrospective Data Reporting
Fraud Detection
Clinical Trial Design
Multiple sources
Performance-based pricing
Drug Discovery
Health Economics Outcome Research
Consumer Segmentation
Personalized Medicine
Patient Satisfaction Behavior Analytics
RD Resource Allocation
Marketing Promotion/Health Campaigns
Personalized Medicine
Infectious Disease and Outbreak Detection
8Information-driven healthcare Seamlessly
integrate big data and analytics into your
9Focus on India
10Where how do we start?
Collect targeted operational data wait times,
time motion studies, inventory to focus on
operational analytics to drive bottom-line
Role of Government, Health Ministry, Industry
associations in defining and enforcing data
standards Regulate Industry through data
Collect targeted patient experience and
satisfaction data through surveys, correlate with
healthcare services and physicians, monitor
trends over time to drive traffic CSAT and
predictive customer (patient referring
physician) behavior for top-line improvements
Implement a light weight EMR to collect key
clinical data points smartly. Drive outcomes
research and clinical quality improvements.
De-identify data to enable clinical trials, open
new opportunities
11Hospital-IT-in-a-Box solution
12Thank you
- Veera_s_raghavan_at_dell.com