Title: Deciding Factors of Payment Terms With Supplier Company
1Deciding Factors of Payment Terms With Supplier
Presented By Dragon Sourcing
If you want to source goods or services from
abroad, you can always go for China sourcing.
China is one of the leading suppliers of resource
at affordable terms. The sourcing agent dealing
with the suppliers on your behalf will discuss
with the payment terms with the supplying company.
3Purchasing History
Purchase history works with order value. For
instance, if your order size indicates enhanced
business for your supplier and your purchase
history with a supplier is sound, you are
considered to be in a good position to negotiate
supply terms in your terms.
4Scale of Supplier
The only exception in China sourcing is made by
sourcing agents when they ask purchasers to
increase the value of the order such that it
reflects a big share of the business of the
supplying company.
5Credit Scaling of Your Company
Your company scaling is comparison to the scaling
of the supplier is also an important factor.
Global brands have the leverage to dictate terms
of payment and so do reputed regional firms. This
is the reason why sourcing agents suggest new
importers to search for niche markets or avoid
competing with the bigger suppliers on price.
6Contact Us
Dragon Sourcing Shanghai Suite 1502-1503, Jin
Tian Di International Mansions 998, Renmin Road
Shanghai, 200021, P.R.China Tel 86 21 61 41 39
55 Fax 86 21 61 41 39 66 Email
contact.asia_at_dragonsourcing.com Website
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