Title: Bandaree Pinthong is a Cuban Born Fitness Trainer
1Bandaree Pinthong is a Cuban Born Fitness Trainer
2Bandaree Pinthong is a Cuban born fitness
trainer. She holds a bachelor degree in exercise
science from a reputed university in Cuba. At
present, she is working at a New York based
fitness center. She is at this center for more
than 3 years. She specializes in designing
training programs as per the requirements of the
clients. She is expert in providing personal,
group, weight loss training to both men and
women. During her training classes, she pays
close attention to her clients. She gives simple
instructions so that they can easily understand
how to do different exercises.
3She is dedicated to providing her clients with
the best possible services. Bandaree Pinthong
keeps them updated with latest health and fitness
industry news. She gives fitness tips and
nutrition advice so that the clients can achieve
their desired goals easily. She was born and
raised in Cuba. She completed her secondary
education from a local school. Besides an
intelligent student, she was also a good
sportsperson. She took part in a variety of
football competitions, and won many of them.
During her college days, she has also worked as
an Assistant Trainer. In 2011, she shifted to the
United States of America, and started working at
a New York based gym.
4Bandaree Pinthong is very passionate about the
health and wellness industry, and devotes her
time and efforts in learning new things. She has
attended a wide range of health and fitness
seminars in the United States and other
countries. Despite having a busy schedule, she
still takes out some time for her family. Her
family includes her husband and two children
son studies in class 10, and daughter in class 8.
5Thank You Bandaree Pinthong