1Retinal Detachment
- Mr Mahi Muqit offers Retinal Detachment
Surgery for all his patients
2Retinal detachment is the retina is the light
sensitive film at the back of the eye and retinal
detachment is a condition where the retina peels
away from the inner wall of the eye.
Retinal detachment
Retinal tear
Vitreous Humor
3In most cases the retina detaches because a hole
or a tear has formed in the retina allowing fluid
to pass underneath the retina
Retinal detachment
Retinal tear
4When you develop a retinal detachment, this
causes anxiety, stress and immediate disruption
to your daily life, including family, social and
work commitments. Your vision is threatened or
affected by retinal detachment.
5It is important to diagnose this problem urgently
and treat the condition as soon as possible.
6Treatment For Retinal Detachment
A vitrectomy involves removing the vitreous gel
(that has caused the retinal tear) from inside
the eye.
7Benefits of retinal detachment surgery
The most obvious benefit is preventing you from
going blind in the affected eye.
8Thank You
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