Title: 5 Rules of Wise Spending for Purchasing Software
15 Rules of Wise Spending for Purchasing Software
2If you have a small business or youre a
first-time entrepreneur, then you might face a
problem related to issues of scalability of
technology software in general, but specifically
purchasing software. SMBs face a variety of
challenges involving start up costs and getting
the software they need for today that fits
todays budget while allowing room for growth as
the company expands sales and operations. With a
limited and finite budget you cannot simply buy
the biggest and best of everything. Thats why it
is important to utilize wise spending for
purchasing software. Software that will both meet
your needs, be affordable, but have a high
quality and offer upgrades and scalability as you
3Let us go through the five rules of wise spending
for purchasing software
1. Be forward thinking
Consider the long-term performance. Rather than
buying more than what you need some may make the
error of buying only what they need today and
then 6 months or a year later have to reinvest by
buying a completely new system that can handle
the growth. Look at your business projections and
timelines and see if you can find a company and
product that will grow with you. One that will
give you what you need today at a price that fits
your budget, but provides for add-ons and
additional services without having to invest in a
new system is wise spending.
42. What is the bottom line final cost?
A low-priced product that fits your immediate
need can actually cost more over time. The total
cost to consider is not only the initial price
tag, but all the additional costs such as IT,
programming, staff, training, modification and
everything you may need to do to get this product
in workable condition as it interfaces with your
other systems. You may also try to put band-aids
on through additional modifications over time to
try and keep the system going longer. Bottom line
is you may be better off going a step up with a
slightly higher initial cost for the purchasing
software that will work better for you over a
given time frame.
53. Should you trust your first impression?
When we consider buying purchasing software it
may be tempting to go with your first impression.
The trouble with that is some software is
designed to impress and wow the potential client
on the front end, but once you get into the
actual software and its use, you may find that it
is severely lacking. First impressions are good,
but you should not necessarily trust that as a
basis for making a decision on purchasing
software. Consider more than the first impression
and dig a little deeper so you can make a wise
64. Keep training and tech-support in mind
As an SMB or new business you may not have a huge
staff with a variety of talent to pull from. Many
SMBs lack the proper knowledge for purchasing
software as they tend to laser focused on their
product or service and making it the best it can
possibly be. Thats why they are in business
because they are experts in that industry. That
being said there are experts in purchasing
software so be sure the company you choose to do
business with offers the training and
tech-support youll need to make the most of
their software.
75. Check the companys financial stability
A wise spender will also consider the financial
stability of the company. If you follow all of
the above steps and invest in purchasing software
that can grow with you over the years you want to
know the company you are buying from will be with
you in the years ahead. A young company with lots
of hype may stand the test of time, but it may be
better to consider a company who has been around
for decades so you can have that peace of mind
that going forward they will be there decades
more, walking side by side with you and your
business as you grow.
8Contact US
If you want to see for yourself the positive
impact that our software can have on purchasing,
be sure to visit the FREE LIVE DEMO page of our
website or try our FREE 30 DAY TRIAL-no credit
card needed.
Purchasing Software for small Mid Market
Purchasing Managers
Business Address
9900 Shelbyville Road, Suite 6B, Louisville, KY
40223, USA
Business Phone (866)698-1398