Title: Paul Vernon Cryptsy United States Army Veteran
1Paul Vernon Cryptsy United States Army Veteran
- Paul Vernon is the Chief Executive Officer of
Cryptsy, but he is also much more than that. He
is a proud veteran of the United States Army,
where he served from August 1991 until February
of 1999. During this time in the armed forces, he
served as an intelligence analyst to the Corps of
2Paul Vernon CryptsyCEO, Entrepreneur, and
Technological Genius
Paul Vernon is now the Chief Executive Officer of
Cryptsy, but he has a long history of creating
and implementing highly successful companies.
Vernon has a strong background in technology
because of his seven years of service in the
United States Military. With college courses that
he took at the University of Arizona and his
military background, Vernon is both well equipped
and successful at applying his entrepreneurial
instincts and understanding into all of his
successful business models.
3Paul Vernon Cryptsy Crypto-Currency's new
trading platform
Paul Vernon, the CEO of Cryptsy, states that the
company's goal is to become the main platform
where everyone winds up trading their
crypto-currency. He works to provide a safe and
secure website where customers can exchange their
crypto-currency free of any worry or doubt. This
platform creates a simple and secure exchange
where both parties involved are guaranteed their
rightful funds.
4Paul Vernon Cryptsy Lifelong Child Advocate
The CEO of Cryptsy, Paul Vernon, is well known
for his tireless work as a child advocate. He is
also a supporter of all work performed by
organizations the. He believes in supporting
those organizations that promote awareness and
take their time to investigate claims of any and
all child abuse.