Title: 5 Basic Rules for Women Personal Hygiene
15 Basic Rules for Women Personal Hygiene
2We have often heard women talking about skin care
products or which dress they are going to wear in
the upcoming party. But, sadly many of them are
not aware of the online health care products or
personal care products which can keep them
hygienic. 5 basic rules which women should
follow in order to stay hygienic.
3Normal soaps and shower gel are made to maintain
the normal PH level of the skin which is 5.5.
However, PH level for healthy vagina is 3.8 to
4.5. That is why you should not use shower gel or
soaps to clean vagina.
4As the vagina has the ability to clean itself so
its not required to clean it from inside. In
addition, too much of internal cleaning can be
5Wash your intimate parts at least once a day to
prevent bacteria transmission into the body.
6Do not use sponges or gloves in order to clean
your vagina as the skin of this body part is
extra sensitive.
7Never point direct running water to intimate body
parts and always use soft towel to clean this
area due to its sensitivity.
8To have a good health it is necessary to buy
proper health care products so that you dont
have to face any health issues. Get all branded
online health care products at attractive prices
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