Title: David Albon – Successful Entrepreneur
1David Albon
Successful Entrepreneur
2David Albon
Importance of Education
David Albon is a businessman who knows the
importance of bettering oneself through
education. With a degree in business, Albon
believes the knowledge he obtained in school
helped to solidify his understanding of the
business world and give him new perspectives on
growing his career.
Since Albon was young, he always knew he would
one day be an entrepreneur, and his business
degree helped bring the dreams of his youth to
3David Albon
David Albon lives in Milwaukee, Wisconsin and is
proud of his French heritage. Tracing his surname
back to his roots in 1818 when Catholic
missionaries from France first crossed the area
of Milwaukee, Albon enjoys learning about his
ancestors. Fluent in French, Albon is very in
touch with his background and believes in is
important for people to know where their family
originated. "I appreciate the added depth my
heritage has given to my life. I'm not sure if I
would have ever chosen to take French classes
otherwise. I could have easily chosen another
language to fit the need of a foreign language
4David Albon
Golf for Stress Relief
As a business owner, David Albon knows all too
well the stress of tackling obstacles for his
company and personally accomplishing business
goals. Although he may spend extra time working
to grow his business, as his own boss Albon is
blessed with the opportunity to find ways to
relieve stress when he sees fit. One of his
favorite pass times is golf.