Title: David Hamra - A Highly Skilled and Trained Individual
1David Hamra
Entrepreneur Business Management Construction
2(No Transcript)
3David Hamra matriculated from Oklahoma State
University with a bachelor's degree in
Construction Management and a minor in Business
Management. He is competent in managing large
budgets and all phases of construction to
guarantee that project objectives are reached in
the short and long term.
4In addition, David Hamra collaborates well with
unionized staff, outside contractors, and
building inspectors to ensure that all work is
done in conformity with the Construction Code.
5David Hamra gained experience at The Larkin
Company (2010-2011) and Kleinfelder (2012-2014),
where he honed his construction management and
business skills. Since 2018, Dave Hamra has run
an excavating business.
6David Hamra is well-versed in sustainable
agriculture and environmental issues in general.
He creates site-level safety standards and
processes in compliance with organizational
needs, ensuring that safety precautions are
taken, and the workplace is safe for all
employees, customers, subcontractors, and members
of the general public.
7David Hamra has also worked for Halfmoon Ranch
since 1999, where he learnt how to communicate
information and respond to consumer and staff
inquiries effectively.
8He is a Certified Welder and has gained other
certifications, including ACI Certification. He
is also known to be a Junction City Generals
(Brigade) Athlete, OSU Cowboys Polo Team Athlete
and Oklahoma State Championship Series motocross
To know more about him visit his official site