Title: Summer Reading Ideas to Keep the Brain Active
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2The Research
Summertime for kids is a time when they get to
lay back, relax and take a break from all of the
sometimes tedious and mundane tasks they might
associate with school. Unfortunately, all of this
downtime might also lead to a drastic reduction
in some of the learning kids have achieved over
the previous year. One of the most important
things students can do over the summer to keep
their brain active is to read.
3The Research
Some research indicates that reading fiction
might contribute to increased academic success
and social acumen. So take a trip to the library
or your local bookstore and help your kids pick
up some great reading materials that will help
promote learning and brain activity.
4What to Read
The Classics
Kids who read the classics will experience a
glimpse into a different time. Some fun and
interesting reading material for students of any
age include books written by authors such as
Beatrix Potter, J.R.R. Tolkien, Louise May
Alcott, and E.B. White. These authors write both
historical and fantasy pieces that are sure to
enchant children of any age. Check out Read.gov
 to find a list of classic books that will inform
and engage your child over the summer months.
5What to Read
Read Poetry
Poetry helps promote literacy and helps kids
connect to reading through the use of imagery,
metaphors and symbolic language. Because poetry
uses a metric similar to a musical beat, it
stimulates the brain differently than traditional
reading. Students who learn to read and recite
poetry learn to access their emotions and connect
reading to both writing and speaking. Poetry can
help kids to go outside the rules of grammar and
use language to learn about the world through the
writings of other poets, and ultimately express
6What to Read
Book Series
Kids who get involved in reading book series may
become lifelong readers. Some of the books for
young children might include the I Can or
Franklins book series. Captain Underpants and
Junie B. Jones are other fun book series. Older
kids might enjoy Harry Potter or Lord of the
Rings. Scholastic has some great book series
ideas for kids of any age.
7What to Read
Non-Fiction Reading
Reading non-fiction is helpful for keeping kids
informed and helping them understand historical
events. Non-fiction reading might come in the
form of magazines, newspapers, internet stories
or other materials, and may just include a
paragraph, or an entire book. Kids who read
non-fiction should be encouraged to analyze what
they have read in order to increase
comprehension. This will encourage them to
stimulate brain activity and develop critical
thinking skills.
8Find A Reading Tutor
Reading can be fun, but for some kids it can be a
struggle and frustrating. If you are looking to
find a great tutor to help your child discover
reading, visit www.OwlTutors.com. We can help
make reading fun!