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Intensive Workshop on 'Writing Persuasive Recommendation Letters in English for Students' Lam Yan, Shirley * Dress up and culture appropriately Exceptional 1. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes


Intensive Workshop on 'Writing Persuasive
Recommendation Letters in English for
Students' Lam Yan, Shirley
  • To familiarize serving Secondary School Teachers
    with the skills in writing Recommendation
  • To provide a variety of good and updated samples,
    i.e. past recommendation samples for
    reference/analysis of teachers in writing
    recommendation letters for students
  • To provide Human Resources Terminology in line
    with Human Resources Language in order to
    strengthen Teachers capability in writing
    professional Recommendation Letter so as to
    improve students chance for better securing
    study/employment opportunities.

  1. Factors driving to Recommendation Letter for
    School Applications/Employment
  2. Components to a Recommendation Letter
  3. Appraisal Grid
  4. Increasing Student interestingness

Unit 1
  • "When choosing someone to write a letter of
    recommendation, dont get wrapped up in title
  • You want someone who can write the recommendation
    letter and at the same time really answer the
  • You want someone who knows what you have done and
    provide insight into your potential to be a
    future leader.
  • (Wendy Huber, the Associate Director of
    Admissions at the Darden School of Business)

Source http//
  • "The two letters of recommendation that you
    submit should be professional in nature.
  • Your recommenders may be anyone (former
    supervisors/tutors of summer internship/exchange
    programme, etc.) who is able to comment on your
    personal qualities, career potential, and
    potential to succeed .
  • Recommenders should know you personally and be
    familiar with your work history, credentials, and
    career aspirations.
  • (Christina Mabley, Director of Admissions at
    McCombs School of Business)

Source http//
  • Critical Qualities
  • Sense of commitment and being responsible
  • Team Player
  • Steep Learning curve
  • Flexible
  • Trustworthy
  • Proactive
  • Common sense
  • Self motivated Self immediate Manager know
    the boundaries
  • Interestingness of the Student

FACTOR 4Reference vs. Recommendation
  • It is very important to note the differences
    between Reference Letter and Recommendation
  • A Reference Letter is a document you could
    provide to all students. The Reference Letter
    includes details such as Students name, year
    period that student studied in school and other
    general factual information
  • A Recommendation Letter has many meanings to it.
    To start with, if you have decided to write up a
    Recommendation Letter for student application to
    employment/school application, you have to be
    prepared to act as the Reference checking point
    as well. A Recommendation includes an appraisal
    of the student

Factor 4Reference vs. Recommendation
  1. To provide a Recommendation is to provide a
    comment for recommending or highly recommending
    a person to a School or an Organization.
  2. Therefore it is very important for you to know
    the student very well to be able to do that.
  3. Meanwhile, the comments provided in the
    recommendation letter must be positive and
  4. The purpose of the recommendation letter is for
    aiding the student to get the school/job.

Lets refer to consolidated Recommendation Letter
samples On Positive touch to writing then to
Group Exercise Worksheet 1
Factor 4Reference vs. Recommendation
  • Signing the Recommendation Letter To sign off
    for the letter meaning you understand and is
    agreeable to the fact and the content of the

FACTOR 5Etiquette
  • You have to know someone really well to commit to
    writing the recommendation letter while at the
    same time possibly be one of your reference
    checking point
  • Former supervisors/tutors, etc.
  • Your Teacher/Professor
  • Some students send me their Personal Statement as
    reference, it helps a lot

Lets refer to consolidated Recommendation Letter
samples On Be the Reference Checking point
FACTOR 5Etiquette
  • Write and Talk to the person writing your
    recommendation in person
  • Email is not recommended
  • In person is highly recommended or if not
    possible at least call the person before sending
    the material by mail over
  • Provide basic details to the person writing your
    recommendation letter such as
  • What schools are you applying for ?
  • What is your aspiration ?
  • When is the deadline for submitting the letter ?

  • Important to highlight students strength
  • Recommendation letter should be tailor made
  • Insightful appraisal of the student
  • To ensure formality use letter head of the
    organization/school you are representing
  • Be crisp and to the point

Unit 2
Components1st Paragraph SAMPLE
  • A paragraph or sentence explaining how you know
    the person you are writing to recommend and the
    nature of your relationship with them
  • Your connection to the person recommended
  • How you got to know the person recommended
  • How you have known the person recommended
  • Your position writing the recommendation letter
  • Sample I have been Lorettas Instructor for the
    school year 2008 2009 at the XXXX College.
    During Term 1 from September 2008 to December
    2008, Loretta was on my XXXX class. For Term 2
    starting January 2009, Loretta is currently on my
    XXXX Class.

Lets refer to consolidated Recommendation Letter
Sample 1st Paragraph
Components2nd Paragraph SAMPLE
  • A paragraph or sentence to set the stage
  • Sample Based on Lorettas academic performance,
    academic results achievements at the XXXX
    College and her personality, I would highly
    recommend Loretta to your reputable Company for
    the position of XXXX. Loretta will be a very
    outstanding member to your reputable company
    should she be offered the position. I am
    confident that Loretta will be an important asset
    to your company.

Components3rd Paragraph And on SAMPLE
  • An honest evaluation of the person's skills and
    accomplishments. Try to include specific
  • An appraisal of why you would recommend the
  • Should include wordings like highly recommend
    or recommend without reservation
  • Sample I would like to recommend Loretta to
    your reputable organization without reservation.
    For the purpose of her application to your
    reputable company, below is my appraisal on
  • During Lorettas endeavor at the XXXX College,
    she had been Star Student Top List of the year
    2008 2009 amongst 1000 students. She has also
    been Champion of the Inter school Basket
    Competition for the year 2007 2008. She has
    also been House Captain of the Blue House

Components3RD Paragraph And on Sample 2
  • Sample I would like to recommend Loretta to
    your reputable organization without reservation.
    For the purpose of her application to your
    reputable company, below is my appraisal on
  • Professional Capabilities Result oriented
    From the onset of Term 1, Loretta had shown
    herself to be very result oriented. Once she is
    assigned with an objective or task, she has very
    clear vision of what she needs to do and achieve
    that objective with zest.

Lets refer to consolidated Recommendation Letter
Sample 2nd Paragraph 3rd Paragraph
Components4th Paragraph SAMPLE
  • A statement or summary that explains why you
    would recommend the person you are writing about.
  • Sample The thing I treasured most about Loretta
    is her independence and her willingness to learn
    more and to be stretched outside of her comfort
    zone in order to strive herself towards success
    after success.

Lets refer to consolidated Recommendation Letter
Sample 4th Paragraph
Recommendation LetterLast Paragraph
  • Support both in terms of recommendation letter
    and also the Reference Check
  • Allow Employers to contact you, should a
    reference be required of the student
  • Sample Should you require further information
    or details, please do not hesitate to contact
    undersigned at 3793 3081 or at my email address

Please refer to Worksheet 2 for Group Work
Unit 3
APPRAISAL GRIDA Spectrum of judgment
Extraordinary Exceptional Excellent Outstanding
Marvelous Great Admirable Outstanding
Remarkable Incomparable Brilliant Significant
Superlative Notable First-rate Terrific
surprising Unique
Wonderful Significant
  • In the workplace
  • proactively taking the initiative in ensuring
    that departments processes are well updated in
    benefiting your own department and other related
  • being willing to step into Manager, Co-worker,
    Direct reports shoes in understanding their
    perspective and point of view
  • willing to empathize other departments situation
    and taking the lead in Quality Outputs Quality

1. Looks for reasons and ways to projects and ideas to succeed
2. Is enthusiastic about work and projects
3. Likes to collaborate and contribute
4. Puts team interests ahead of her individual interests
5. Cooperates with team members
6. Is realistically positive
7. Looks to optimize every situation
8. His ability to look on the bright side of any situation is illuminating
  • seek to accomplish work goals through
    collaboration with others

1. Holds team goals clearly in mind
2. Will place team goals ahead of personal goals
3. Pitches in to team efforts where needed
4. Sees what needs to be done and does it
5. Shares expertise freely
6. Works effectively with others
7. Brings out the best in the team
8. Helps others to cooperate
9. Contributes to team discussions
10. Inspire others to cooperate
APPRAISAL GRID Analytical Skills definition
  • seek to resolve problems through teeing up of
    issues for solutions while persuading team or
    teams to arrive at consensus of pursuing with
    actions on solutions

1. Displays clear reasoning skills
2. Methodical in analyzing data and solving problems
3. Performs complex calculations with ease
4. Data analysis results in actionable conclusions
5. Comprehends complex data and issues and draws accurate conclusions
6. Develops deep and accurate insights from research
7. Maintains awareness of the big picture while accurately analyzing details
8. Objectively allows data to lead him to accurate conclusions
9. Stays focused on goals and objectives while analyzing relevant details
APPRAISAL GRID Problem Solving definition
  • Taking initiative in using good approaches in
    resolving problems or taking the lead in
    analyzing situation and problem quickly for

1. Identifies problems at their inception and analyzes them quickly to find a solution
2. Offers a variety of possible solutions for problems
3. Solves problems at their root cause
4. Solves problems before they become major
5. Carefully weighs pros and cons in every decision
6. Anticipates problems and finds solutions before the problem develops
7. Is not thrown off by problems but immediately looks for solutions
8. Sees problems as challenges and opportunities
9. Knows which problems to solve herself and which problems to delegate to subordinates and subject experts
APPRAISAL GRID Initiative definition EXAMPLES
  • Taking a leadership role in championing a project
    in order to facilitate efficiency and
    effectiveness or to take on extra
    responsibilities with minimal instructions/

1. Sees what needs to be done and does it
2. Requires minimal supervision
3. Takes a leadership role when appropriate and needed
4. Seeks out and recognizes new opportunities
5. Takes charge in the absence of instructions
6. Does things without needing to be told
7. Anticipates and prepares for problems
8. Willingly tries new procedures
9. Creates opportunities for himself
10. Turn ideas into actions/results
  • Exhibit good listening skills and show interest
    to what the speaker is saying or trying to
    express or capable of reflecting back, nonverbal
    clues, acting enthusiastically, show
    encouragement and keeping a poker face

1. Pays careful attention when spoken to
2. Responses make it clear he listened well
3. Acknowledges what was said before making her own point
4. Attempts to understand before attempting to be understood
5. Makes a point of clarifying anything she finds unclear
6. Maintains excellent eye contact when someone else is speaking
7. Makes a point of ensuring the speaker feels heard
8. Avoids distractions when someone is speaking
9. Follows directions well
10. Listens so well she can summarize what we say better than we can say it
APPRAISAL GRID Prioritization definition
  • Demonstrate clear sense and capabilities in doing
    first thing first and be capable of organizing
    chores even under extreme pressure in meeting
    tight deadlines

1. Has a keen sense of priorities
2. Puts first things first
3. Efficiently manages competing priorities
4. Knows what matters most
5. Knows which requests to honor and which requests to decline
6. Does not waste time on nonessential activities
7. Prioritizes activities based on long term objectives
8. Eliminates activities that do not add value
APPRAISAL GRID Resourcefulness definition
  • Tapping problems with out of box ideas or finding
    surprise solutions to problem which saves
    resources while not compromising on results

1. Makes excellent use of both people and material resources
2. Finds surprising sources of information and resources
3. Finds ways to save resources without compromising outcome
4. Makes outstanding use of available resources
5. Accurately anticipates resources needed to avoid waste or shortage
6. Respects resource needs of other students/employees while meeting her own resource needs
APPRAISAL GRID Approachability definition
  • Being friendly yet maintaining the professional
    poise with assertiveness

1. Is easy to talk to
2. Welcomes questions
3. Invites input
4. Is available when needed
5. Creates a sense of safety and welcome for others
6. Inspires an open communication culture
7. Makes people feel at home
APPRAISAL GRID Dependability definition
  • Share and align the institutions/companys goals
    and values
  • Accept responsibility for own actions, decision
    and directions to subordinates
  • Respond quickly to pressing organizational

1. Delivers as promised
2. Says what she will do and does what she says
3. Can be counted on to pitch in when needed
4. Sees projects and responsibilities through to completion
5. Meets deadlines
6. Is always prepared
7. Says what he means. Can be taken at his word.
  • Dress up and culture appropriately

1. Looks professional
2. Appearance reflects positively on the organization
3. Grooming is flawless
4. Appearance projects a positive impression
5. Grooming is always appropriate for the occasion

APPRAISAL GRID Motivation definition EXAMPLES
  • Candidate as self motivated and readily adapt
    into environment and be capable of performing
    according to standard or being willing to
    overachieve goals

1. Is highly self motivated
2. Works on projects with an excited gusto
3. Has a powerful sense of purpose
4. Translates ideas into action without hesitation
5. Is inspired to take action
6. She is motivated from within
7. He works with enthusiasm
8. Comes in early and leaves late, not because she has to but because she wants to
9. His enthusiasm is contagious
10. I never have to build a fire under her because the fire is burning inside her
Unit 4
Increasing Interestingness of Students
Colleges want interesting students
  • Interesting does not equal to busy
  • The grown deep and tall rule, in one place and be
    a tree
  • The impact of Accomplishment - School, Community,
    National or International

Source Mark Montgomery is a College Admission
Consultant based in the US. He is a College
insider with knowledge for college
admission. Information quoted based on his AmCham
Speech dated March 1, 2011
Colleges want interesting students
  • Rules of Interestingness
  • If you can explain easily the accomplishment, it
    is more likely to impress (even when English is
    not super good)
  • Interesting does not equal passionate
  • Interesting equals commitment, for e.g. running
    own business with employees and all clients
    writing recommendation letters for you
  • Interesting equals impact, for e.g. put in root
    to something you are doing like being in the Hong
    Kong Drama festival for the past XX years

Source Mark Montgomery is a College Admission
Consultant based in the US. He is a College
insider with knowledge for college
admission. Information quoted based on his AmCham
Speech dated March 1, 2011
Colleges want interesting students
  • Using Summer Holiday to increase your
    Interestingness and chances for College
  • Number 10 Prepare for ACT and SAT Tests
  • Summer is a great time to take a course or get
    some tutoring to help improve those scores when
    you take the tests in the fall. Even working
    diligently with a good preparation book will help
    you learn the strategies and remind yourself of
    the content you will be expected to know

Source Mark Montgomery is a College Admission
Consultant based in the US. He is a College
insider with knowledge for college
admission. Information quoted based on his AmCham
Speech dated March 1, 2011
Colleges want interesting students
  • Using Summer Holiday to increase your
    Interestingness and chances for College
  • Number 9 Take a Summer Class
  • Nothing shows that youre serious about academic
    work like dedicating a portion of your summer to
    intellectual pursuits. Whether its a high school
    class you take to get a requirement out of the
    way, a community college course, or something
    offered by various prestigious universities like
    Harvard or Syracuse, youll give yourself a bit
    of an edge by by keeping your brain active over
    the summer

Source Mark Montgomery is a College Admission
Consultant based in the US. He is a College
insider with knowledge for college
admission. Information quoted based on his AmCham
Speech dated March 1, 2011
Colleges want interesting students
  • Using Summer Holiday to increase your
    Interestingness and chances for College
  • Number 8 Start Those Essays
  • Most students underestimate the difficulty of
    writing a solid essay. Start on a draft or two
    now, and show your prose to people who know you
    well. Gather their ideas, revise, and tighten.
    Those who leave these for the last minute come to
    regret their procrastination.

Source Mark Montgomery is a College Admission
Consultant based in the US. He is a College
insider with knowledge for college
admission. Information quoted based on his AmCham
Speech dated March 1, 2011
Colleges want interesting students
  • Using Summer Holiday to increase your
    Interestingness and chances for College
  • Number 7 Get a Job
  • Fewer and fewer students understand the value of
    hard work. Holding down a job can not only earn
    you extra running-around money, it can also teach
    you things about commitment, responsibility, and
    leadership. Better yet, start your own lawn
    mowing, child care, or house sitting service
    every college loves an entrepreneur .

Source Mark Montgomery is a College Admission
Consultant based in the US. He is a College
insider with knowledge for college
admission. Information quoted based on his AmCham
Speech dated March 1, 2011
Colleges want interesting students
  • Using Summer Holiday to increase your
    Interestingness and chances for College
  • Number 6 Volunteer
  • Community service is more and more a requirement
    on college applications. The important thing is
    to find a cause you care about and dedicate a
    significant chunk of time to the organization.
    Serving one meal at a homeless shelter is not as
    good as organizing a weekly musical concert at a
    nursing home with some of your musician friends.

Source Mark Montgomery is a College Admission
Consultant based in the US. He is a College
insider with knowledge for college
admission. Information quoted based on his AmCham
Speech dated March 1, 2011
Colleges want interesting students
  • Using Summer Holiday to increase your
    Interestingness and chances for College
  • Number 5 Organize Your College Visits
  • While many students visit colleges in the
    summer, campuses become ghost towns during June,
    July, and August. So spend some time this summer
    planning trips in the fall to the campuses on
    your list.

Source Mark Montgomery is a College Admission
Consultant based in the US. He is a College
insider with knowledge for college
admission. Information quoted based on his AmCham
Speech dated March 1, 2011
Colleges want interesting students
  • Using Summer Holiday to increase your
    Interestingness and chances for College
  • Number 4 Get out there and play !
  • If youre an athlete, keep working on your sport
    and your physical training. If youre a musician,
    practice and perform wherever possible. If youre
    an actor, audition for summer productions.
    Whatever your passion and pastime, use the
    unstructured time of summer to pursue your
    interests and to be your best .

Source Mark Montgomery is a College Admission
Consultant based in the US. He is a College
insider with knowledge for college
admission. Information quoted based on his AmCham
Speech dated March 1, 2011
Colleges want interesting students
  • Using Summer Holiday to increase your
    Interestingness and chances for College
  • Number 3 Organize your continuing college
  • Most students underestimate the volume of
    information that requires organization during the
    admissions process. Make files for the colleges
    that interest you. Contact admissions offices and
    let them know of your interest. Get all your
    documents (transcripts, test scores,
    recommendations, certificates of merit, your
    resume) together in a single notebook. Sign up
    for the Common Application and fill in the basic
    information. The more you do now, the less crazed
    the school year will be.

Source Mark Montgomery is a College Admission
Consultant based in the US. He is a College
insider with knowledge for college
admission. Information quoted based on his AmCham
Speech dated March 1, 2011
Colleges want interesting students
  • Using Summer Holiday to increase your
    Interestingness and chances for College
  • Number 2 Read
  • Go to the library. Sit under a tree, or on the
    beach, or in a mountain valley, and read. A good
    story will transport you to a different world.
    Plus, its a proven fact that students who read
    more do better on standardized tests. So in
    addition to the drudgery of test prep (see Number
    10 above), make preparation more fun by reading a
    classic novel or two. Plus, being able to talk
    intelligently about a book you read on your own
    will look great in an admissions interview !

Source Mark Montgomery is a College Admission
Consultant based in the US. He is a College
insider with knowledge for college
admission. Information quoted based on his AmCham
Speech dated March 1, 2011
Colleges want interesting students
  • Using Summer Holiday to increase your
    Interestingness and chances for College
  • Number 1 Make time for Yourself and your Family
  • Summer is for fun. All of the items above (okay,
    well maybe not the test prep) can be fun and
    rewarding experiences, if you structure them well
    and keep organized.

Source Mark Montgomery is a College Admission
Consultant based in the US. He is a College
insider with knowledge for college
admission. Information quoted based on his AmCham
Speech dated March 1, 2011
Reference Websites
  • ?????? http//
  • ???http//
  • ?????????
  • ??????????
  • HRM Asia
  • HRM TV http//

Thank you !
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