Home Automation by Android Application based Remote Control - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Home Automation by Android Application based Remote Control


This ppt explains about Home Automation by Android Application based Remote Control, student is provided with his/her authorized tag to swipe over the reader to record their attendance. Edgefxkits.com has a wide range of electronic projects ideas that are primarily helpful for ECE, EEE and EIE students and the ideas can be applied for real life purposes as well. Visit our page to get more ideas on popular electronic projects developed by professionals. Edgefx provides free verified electronic projects kits around the world with abstracts, circuit diagrams, and free electronic software. We provide guidance manual for Do It Yourself Kits (DIY) with the modules at best price along with free shipping. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Home Automation by Android Application based Remote Control

Home Automation by Android Application based
Remote Control
  • The primary objective of this project is to
    develop a home automation system with Android
    application controlled remote.
  • Remote Controlled Home Automation System provides
    a simpler solution with Android application
  • Remote operation is achieved by any smart-phone
    or Tablet with Android OS, upon a GUI (Graphical
    User Interface) based touch screen operation.

Home Automation System
  • Home Automation is the controlling and operating
    of the home appliances such as lighting
    equipment, kitchen appliances, air conditioning
    and heating, audio/video systems, etc. in either
    automatic or manual modes conveniently and
  • This system uses various types of sensors to
    sense or detect the parameter status and with the
    use of centralized controllers it appropriately
    activates the loads for prescribed limits or
  • In addition controlling it also provides energy
    saving, graphical user interface or HMI and
    security to the homes.
  • Home control systems where different sensors
    corresponding to the home appliances with the
    appropriate actuators are hard-wired to
    input/output modules of a central controller.

Home Automation System
  • The sensors sense the motion, light, temperature,
    smoke and other sensing variables using sensing
    devices like photo detectors, IR sensors,
    thermocouples, current and voltage transformers
    and many more.
  • Upon receiving these variables and based on the
    program, the main or central controller activates
    the loads using actuators like motors, switches,
    relays, and other actuating devices.
  • These controllers can be a compact controller to
    high-end modular programmable logic controllers
    with I/O enlarges capability.
  • For the user interface, this automation is
    integrated with different interfacing modules
    computer/laptops, smart phones, touch pads, a
    tablet with a user-friendly HMI application.

Block Diagram

Power supply
Bridge rectifier
230 V AC 50 Hz
5v Regulator

12V step down transformer
Micro controller
  • 8K Bytes of In-System Programmable (ISP) Flash
  • 4.0V to 5.5V Operating Range.
  • Crystal Frequency 11.0592MHZ.
  • Three-level Program Memory Lock.
  • 256 x 8-bit Internal RAM.
  • 32 Programmable I/O Lines.
  • Three 16-bit Timer/Counters.

Block diagram of MC

MC components explanation
  • ROM
  • A code of 4K memory is incorporated as on-chip
    ROM in 8051.
  • RAM
  • The 8051 microcontroller is composed of 128 bytes
    of internal RAM.
  • Interrupt Control
  • An event which is used to suspend or halt the
    normal program execution for a temporary period
    of time in order to serve the request of another
    program or hardware device is called an

MC components explanation
  • Address Bus
  • A bus is group of wires using which data transfer
    takes place from one location to another within a
  • Timers and Counters
  • Synchronization among internal operations can be
    achieved with the help of clock circuits which
    are responsible for generating clock pulses.
  • Internal operations can be synchronized using
    clock circuits which produce clock pulses.

Pin diagram of 8052

8052 pin diagram explanation
  • Port 0(p0.0 to p0.7)
  • It is 8-bit bi-directional I/O port. It is bit/
    byte addressable. During external memory access,
    it functions as multiplexed data and low-order
    address bus AD0-AD7.
  • Port 1 (p1.0 to p1.7)
  • It is 8-bit bi-directional I/O port. When logic
    '1' is written into port latch then it works as
    input mode. It functions as simply I/O port and
    it does not have any alternative function.

8052 pin diagram explanation
  • Port 2 (p2.0 to p2.7)
  • It is 8-bit bi-directional I/O port. It is bit/
    byte addressable.
  • Port 3(p3.0 to port 3.7)
  • It is 8-bit I/O port. In an alternating function
    each pins can be used as a special function I/O
  • RESET 
  • It is active high I/P signal. It should be
    maintained high for at least two machine cycle
    while oscillator is running then 8051
    microcontroller resets.

Android Remote Control
  • As we know that Android is a popular smartphone
    technology, which has been developing ample
    mobile applications.
  • So, to turn a smartphone or tablet as a universal
    remote control in place of conventional remotes
    is a good idea as this is the most efficient and
    flexible automation.
  • This technology makes every appliance at home as
    a potential accessory for smartphones.
  • Android remote control based home automation
    consists of Android OS operated Graphical User
    Interface (GUI) with wireless communication
    modules such as Bluetooth and Zigbee to have
    control of different home appliances.

Android Remote Control
  • In this system, different sensors and load
    controllers in the home are connected to sensors
    and an I/O control module has the capability to
    communicate with a user-controlled device.
  • At the user controlling side, the smartphone or
    tablet with an android-application-based
    GUI-controller allows the user to send the
    desired control signals such as switching a lamp
    OFF and ON, room temperature maintenance, etc.
  • Building of this Android-based home automation is
    a simple concept as you can implement this in
    your home by using cost-effective products like
    microcontroller and sensors as Do It Yourself
    (DIY) project.

Android Remote Control
  • So let us understand this in brief using
    Bluetooth communication to control home
  • The block diagram below shows the design of
    Android-based home-appliance control that is
    implemented by using 8051 microcontrollers.

Graphical Diagram

Circuit Operation
  • The smartphone or android mobile is paired to the
    Bluetooth attached to the microcontroller.
  • Once both are paired, the controlling signals
    correspond to the load to operate, it can be sent
    from an Android remote control or phone.
  • From the touch panel of a GUI interface-based
    application, if any key or button is pressed, the
    application sends the corresponding signals to
    the remote Bluetooth modem.
  • Then, at the receiver side, the Bluetooth modem
    receives these signals and processes them
    according to the code, and finally sends the
    control signals to the relay driver IC.

Circuit Operation
  • This driver IC energizes the respective coils to
    switch the appropriate loads.
  • This system is useful for the elderly and
    physically handicapped people as they face
    difficulties while operating the loads.
  • So, with this Android-home-control system, they
    can easily serve the loads with portable Android
    mobile phones.
  • It is also possible to add a temperature sensor
    by adding an ADC to the microcontroller to switch
    on the air-conditioning system depending on
    temperature variations.

Circuit Operation
  • Thus, we hope that the furnished information on
    wireless home automation using Android mobile
    might have provided the concept to you in detail.
  • And, also you can just imagine how simple would
    it be to implement such a system in your home
    that too at a very reasonable cost by using
    cost-effective devices.
  • If you want complete circuit or any technical
    help regarding practical guidance to implement
    electronic projects or this concept you can reach
    us by commenting below.

Applications and Advantages
  • Home Automation This project can be used to
    control various Home Appliances.
  • 2. We can control device from a long distance.
    Thus, it provides ease
  • of access.
  • 3. Faster operation and efficient.
  • 4. No need to carry separate remote or any
    other controlling unit.

Future Development
  • We can interface sensors to this project so that
    it can monitor certain parameters.

  • Today, Android is the worlds powerful mobile
    platform that customizes hacked, manipulated and
    molded open source operating system to fit easily
    whatever the functionality you had in your mind.
  • This detailed information about wireless home
    automation using Android mobile helps you to
    implement such a fantastic system in your home at
    a very reasonable price using cost-effective



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