Title: Basic Characteristics and Quality Gradations of Linen Fabrics
1Basic Characteristics and Quality Gradations of
Linen Fabrics
2Linen Fabric
Linen Fabric is one of the oldest and most
expensive textiles in the world. The material
absorbs and loses moisture faster than most any
other fabric, which is one of the main reasons it
is so popular in warm climates.
3Business Mens suits, formal jackets, pants, and
skirts are some of the more popular pieces, and
wardrobe accents like handkerchiefs and gloves
can also be found in many places.
4Price Variety Of Linen Fabric
One of our exclusive fabrics is linen and we sell
linen fabric wholesale in a variety of colors. We
stock linen fabric at competitive prices like
100 Linen fabric, Linen Blend fabric, and
Lightweight Linen Fabric Prints.
InStyle Linen Collection Includes
and much more
5For Enquiries
Phone (212) 563-9836 Toll Free (866)
227-8839FAX (212) 563-9832 Website
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