Title: Jim Brandt Fairfield CT (1)
1Jim Brandt Of Fairfield CT Has Served Many
Prestigious Positions In His Career
2 Jim Brandt of Fairfield CT is a skilled Sales
and Marketing professional with great experience
in digital media and technology. In his
professional career span, he has worked with many
reputed companies so far. Till now, he has worked
for many companies and handled all of his duties
and responsibilities meticulously. Let's have a
look at all the companies he has worked for and
the positions he served
3 Focus Internet (from 1996 to 1998) Jim Brandt
of Fairfield CT started his career from Focus
Internet. He was a founder of this company.
Interep Interactive (from 1998 to 2000)
Interep Interactive was an early online rep firm
for online publishers with no digital
representation. Here, he served the position of
Vice President of Sales.
4MP3.com (from 2000 to 2003) MP3.com was the
gateway to digital music. He worked as a VP of
East Coast Sales. Vivendi Universal (from 2002
to 2003) Vivendi Universal is a Holding Company
assets included Universal Studios, Parks, Music
groups as well as Vivendis European assets.
Here, he was the Vice President of Digital Sales.
5 Xfire Inc (from 2005 to 2006) This company was
acquired by Viacom. It was an Instant Messenger
for online PC Gamers. Here, he was the Vice
President of Sales Digital. Viacom (from 2006
to 2011) This is one of the most reputed
companies which managed MTV Networks, MTVN
Digital, Nick, Comedy Central, Spike VH1. Jim
Brandt of Fairfield CT served the prestigious
position of the Director- Key Accounts.
6Ntent (from 2011 to 2015) Ntent is a semantic
search technologies pioneer which use the science
of semantics to create more meaningful experience
for consumers, publishers and premium
advertisers. Here, he worked for 4 years as the
SVP Publisher Sales. At present, Jim Brandt of
Fairfield CT is working for Sprinkle Content as
SVP Publisher Sales. Additionally, he has brought
honors to every company he has worked for.