Title: Diploma of Financial Planning Course Online Australia.
6 Months
This course will allow students to develop the
knowledge and skills required to work in the
financial services industry. Students will be
able to design recommendations on insurance
policies, strategically plan superannuation and
retirement, as well as design recommendations on
common investment products.
On successful completion of this course, a
student should be able to perform the duties of
- Financial Planner
- Securities and Managed Investments
Subject Code Unit of Competency
Meeting Customers Expectations FNSFPL506A Determine client requirements and expectations
Meeting Customers Expectations FNSCUS506A Record and implement client instructions
Compliance Professionalism FNSFPL501A Comply with financial planning practice ethical and operational guidelines and regulations
Compliance Professionalism FNSINC401A Apply principles of professional practice to work in the financials services industry
Prepare Financial Plan FNSFPL503A Develop and prepare financial plan
Prepare Financial Plan FNSFPL504A Implement financial plan
Prepare Financial Plan BSBITU402A Develop and use complex spreadsheets
Research and Analyse Financial Plan FNSINC501A Conduct product research to support recommendations
Research and Analyse Financial Plan FNSFPL502A Conduct financial planning analysis and research
Insurance, Risk and Superannuation FNSASICU503A Provide advice in superannuation
Insurance, Risk and Superannuation FNSASICX503A Provide advice in life insurance
Product and Advice FNSIAD501A Provide appropriate services, advice and products to clients
Subject Code Unit of Competency
Investment Lending FNSASICT503A Provide advice in managed investments
Implement and Review Financial Plan FNSASICZ503A Provide advice in financial planning
Implement and Review Financial Plan FNSFPL505A Review financial plans and provide ongoing service
Please note the table represents sample units of
competency and order of delivery. While the core
subjects will always be delivered for this
qualification, the electives are subject to
change as per the Training Package guidelines and
the order of delivery may vary.
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Fax 1300 98 37 95 Email
Address Suite 6 / 96-98 Wigram Street Harris
Park, NSW 2150
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Australia (OSPA) ABN 52 601 958 427 is acting as
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