Title: Atherosclerosis Treatment at Full of Health, Inc
1Welcome to Full of Health, Inc
2What is Atherosclerosis and what causes it?
The situation in which body arteries get hardened
or narrowed by the excessive buildup of plaque is
called as Atherosclerosis. It disrupts the
frequent flow of blood around the human body
which ultimately causes serious life threatening
complications. Our arteries contain endothelium
which is a very thin layer of cells that keeps
our artery smooth and allows the blood to flow
frequently. If they get damaged then LDL
cholesterol accumulates the artery wall. When our
body sends macrophage white blood cells to clean
up the unwanted cholesterol at there, some of
them get stuck which results in plaque being
built up.
3- Some factors which damage the inner layer of
endothelium and cause Atherosclerosis - Regular smoking
- High amount cholesterol and certain fats in blood
cells - High blood pressure in body
- High level of sugar in blood due to diabetes or
insulin resistance - Eating foods high in fat
- Stressful life
- Excessive alcohol intake
- Not exercising regularly
- Age is also a very important factor for this. As
you age, your arteries get weaken which
ultimately causes plaque buildup.
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5- What can it lead to?
- Serious complications of Atherosclerosis include
- Serious heart diseases
- Heart failure
- Angina (Serious chest pain)
- Severe strokes
- Transient Ischemic Attacks
- Lowers your healing power and pain in different
body parts - Abnormal heart rhythm
- Peripheral artery disease
- Kidney death
- Sudden death
Lifestyle changes as well as proper medication is
must required to out away Atherosclerosis. Every
year more than 800,000 people die due to
Atherosclerosis which is far beyond our
imagination and thats why it is not a matter
that has to taken lightly. At Full of Health, we
provide natural but very effective remedies for
Atherosclerosis which is far less in amount than
a bypass surgery and other doctor prescribed
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