2Wilms Tumor
- Presentation
- mass/pain/hematuria/HTN
- Associations
- WAGR - WT1, 11p13
- Hemi/BW, IGF2, 11p15
- Inheritance
- 12 hereditary
- poor penetrance
3Wilms Tumor
- Pathology
- HE diagnostic
- FH vs. UH
- Nephrogenic rests - PLNR, ILNR
- Nephroblastomatosis - HPLN, DHPLN (rx)
- Hyperplastic are T2 bright vs sclerotic
- Staging
- I - renal/excised, 37, 90 RFS
- II - beyond capsule/excised- 20, 90 RFS
- III - resid. abd., 20, 85 RFS
- IV - Distant, 23, 66 RFS
- II -IV UH, 66 RFS
4Wilms Tumor
- Metastases
- nodes, liver, lung
- Work-up
- CT abd/chest, CXR, U/S with IVC Doppler,
- U/A, catechols
- Surgical approach
- Excisional Bx after examine other kidney
- Preserve parenchyma if bilat.
- if inoperable try again post 6 wks chemo
5Wilms Tumor
- VCR/ActD better than VCR or ActD
- no XRT for St. I, II
- St. I - VA, 10 wk 6m.
- St. II - VA VA, Adria for 15m, /- XRT
- St. III - Adria helps 1000 cGy 2000 cGy
- St. IV - trend towards CTX benefit
- UH - CTX helps
6Wilms Tumor
- St. I - VA VpiA, 6m.
- St. II - VA VpiA, 6m 15m.
- St. III - VA/Adr VpiA/Adr 6m 15m.
- St. IV, UH - CTX benefits UH.
7Wilms Tumor
- NWTS V (POG 9440)
- St. I - VpiA, 18 wks. Including 0-550 gm.
- St. II - VpiA, 18 wks
- St. III - VpiA/Adr, 1080 cGy, 6 mos
- St. IV, UH - VpiA/Adr, VP16, CTX/
MESNA, 1080 cGy - Pre-op - VpiA
8AREN0532 St I lt2 yr, lt550gm - Nephrectomy St I,
II no LOH - EE4A (VCR, ActD) St I, II, LOH 1p/16q
- DD4A (VCR, ActD, Adria) St III no LOH - DD4A,
abd XRT AREN0533 St IV (lung), no LOH, RER -
DD4A, abd XRT if local III St III/IV LOH or IV
not RER or non-lung - VAA, C/E, XRT AREN03B2 -
biology study
9- AREN0321
- FA St I-III, DA St I - DD4A (VCR/ActD/Adria)
- DA StII-III, DA/FA St IV, rhabdoid, CCSK IV - UH1
- (CTX/carbo/VP16, VCR/Adria/CTX)
- CCSK I-III - Reg I (CTX/VP16, VCR/Adria/CTX)
- DA St IV measurable disease or rhabdoid III-IV -
- (ironotecan/VCR window)
- Renal cell carcinoma - surgery only if complete
10Wilms Tumor
- Relapse (POG 9444)
- Low vs. High Risk
- Low - CTX/VP16/VpiA/Adr, surg., XRT
- High - CTX/VP16, CBCDA/VP16, surg., XRT,
more chemo - /- ABMT.
11Wilms Tumor
unilateral, resected 1o
Must enroll also on Biology Study, AREN03B2
St I, FH St II, FH St III, FH with no 1p16q LOH
UH rhabdoid CCSK
inoperable 1o/IVC
AREN0532 no tx, EE4A,or DD4A
DD-4A or UH-1 per stage and grade consider early
RT resect week 5
St I/II FH EE-4A DD-4A if not respond St III/IV
FH DD-4A UH Reg. UH-1 operate week 5
AREN0533 DD4A or M
AREN0321 DD4A, I, UH-1
EE4A - Vcr, ActD (VA) DD4A - VA, Adria M -
VAAdria, CTX/Etop (CE) I - VadriaC, CE UH-1 -
adds Carbo to I
Renal Ca
AREN0321 surgery, indiv.
radiation therapy
(consider surgery of 1o)
St I/II FH - none St I/II UH, III - 1080 cGy
post-op St III diffuse anapl. 1980 cGy St IV -
add whole liver or lung lt18 mos try to avoid lung
initial tx EE-4A
initial tx DD-4A, I, M, UH-1
NWTSG 4942 Stratum B (CyE, VAdrC)
Auto BMT
2nd relapse
2nd relapse
DHPLN, consider EE-4A others follow MRI, bx if
Relapse after no tx give DD4A perAREN0532)
12Germ Cell Tumors
- 3 childhood cancer, peaks at 2 and 20 yrs
- Often midline only 5 Sertoli/granulosa/Leydig
cell - i(12p)/aneuploidy vs. del(6q or 1p) in infants
endodermal sinus tumor
yolk sac
sperm, ovum
seminoma, germinoma
embryonal carcinoma
13Germ Cell Tumors
- Endodermal Sinus
- 44, High AFP, sacrum/testes of infants,
- ovary/testes in adolescents
- Choriocarcinoma
- 4, High ?HCG which can give signs/sympt.,
- is a gestational form
- Germinoma (Seminoma, Dysgerminoma)
- 15, ovary, undesc. testes, dysgenetic gonads,
- CNS, very XRT sensitive.
14Germ Cell Tumors
- Embryonal Carcinoma
- 10, testes, /- mild AFP
- Teratoma
- 24, 3 germ layers, malignant part often neural.
65benign, 5 immature, 30 malignant.
neonates-sacral - serosal implants often mature/neural
15Germ Cell Tumors
- St I - Completely resected
- St II - Microscopic Residual
- St III- Lymph nodes or gross residual
- St IV - Distant mets (lung, liver, bone, brain)
- Mediastinal primary, AFPgt10,000 - peds
- liver/bone/brain mets/high bHCG or LDH
- Slowly falling markers or rapid relapse
16Germ Cell Tumors
- Surgery
- gross resection if feasible
- ideal to remove all residual masses gt 1 cm, and
be aware of growing teratoma syndrome - testes - inguinal incision with high ligation of
spermatic cord - remove even if burned out
Retroperitoneal node biopsy if 2-4 cm on CT (to
confirm St III) - debated, can follow - sacral - include coccyx in resection
- ovary - surgery depends on exent/frozen remove
omentum if nodules present
17Germ Cell Tumors
- Radiotherapy
- Seminoma very sensitive, 1st line in adults and
- CNS lesions, otherwise consider at relapse
- Chemotherapy
- VAC 30-50 RFS
- Cisplatin 20 mg/M2/day x 5
- Etoposide 100 mg/M2/day x 5
- Bleomycin 15 Units/M2/day x 1 (qwk vs q3wk)
18Germ Cell Tumors
- POG 9048/49
- St. I/II test. lt 10 yr imm. teratoma had surgery
alone 82 avoided chemo, 11/11 salvaged - I/II ovarian I/II test gt 10 yr intermediate risk
- EFS 94
- St. III/IV gonadal I-IV other are high risk,
- EFS 85
- for high-risk, did 200 vs. 100 mg/M2 cisplatin,
- III/IV extragonadal 84vs 72, otorenal toxic
19Germ Cell Tumors
- Stage I (testes or ovary), no therapy
- vascular invasion 48 recur, vs 22 if none
- II-IV gonadal, II extragonadal PEB x 3, second
- look, repeat PEB x 3 if positive.
- PEB over 3 days, bleo q3 weeks
- CCG AGCT01P1-HIGH RISK (closed)
- III/IV extragonadal
- PEB with increasing cytoxan
- 4 cycles, 2nd look, 2 more cycles if positive
20Germ Cell Tumors
- VeIP (velban, ifosfamide, cisplatin)
- VIP (VP16, ifosfamide, cisplatin)
- salvage 25-30 of patients, but high risk
patients (mediastinal, platinum refractory,
progressive disease on VeIP, HCGgt1,000) do worse - High dose chemotherapy with stem cell rescue
- Einhorn - carboplatin/etoposide x 2
- 63 DFS (116/184)
- Good risk 70, Inter. 48, Poor - 32
- carboplatin/etoposide/cytoxan 6/33 poor risk.
- CCG AGCT0521 paclitaxel, ifosfamide, carboplatin
- prior to HSC
21Germ Cell Tumors (non-CNS)
yolk sac tumor, choriocarcinoma, embryonal,
malignant teratoma
testes 15
Stage I-IV testes lt15 yr Stage I-III ovarian
21 Stage I-II extragonadal 21
Stage III-IV extragonadal 21
St I - no tx II-IV PEB with weekly bleo
PEB x 3-4 or XRT if older
AGCT0132 St I gonad - no initial tx others - PEB
x 3 3 cycles if path. PR
PEB x 4 2 cycles if path. PR (high-risk study
Stage IV ovarian 21
St I-III lt1 - consider follow post-surgery, chemo
if progress
PEB x 4 2 cycles if path. PR
relapse post-chemotherapy
VeIP reinduction x1-2 (Velban, ifosfamide,
cisplatin) then tandem auto-BMT (etoposide,
surgery remove 1o initially or at 2nd look remove
residual mets post.-chemo
(or AGCT0521- paclitaxel/ifosfamide/carbo x
2, then tandem auto-BMT)