Title: Meditation by Astro GyanGranth
1Astro Gyan granth
2About Us
Astro Gyan
Granth is an online Astrology portal which
provides online astrologer suggestion ,dealing
with gemstones and horoscope predictions. It also
deals with moral values ,spiritual growth,
meditation and fasting. It describes the
importance and effects of Gemstones in Human
Life. We also provides information about
Astrology products like Rudraksha, Gemstones,
Puja Accessories Items, Vastu Items, God
Idols Statues, Yantra .
3 What is Meditation
The word meditation, is derived from two Latin
words meditari(to think, to exercise the mind)
and mederi (to heal). Its Sanskrit derivation
'medha' means wisdom. Meditation is not a
technique but a way of life according to which we
should live. Meditation means end of the thought
process. Meditation describes a state of
consciousness, when the mind is free from
scattered thoughts and various patterns. The
person who is doing meditation realizes that all
the useless activity of the mind is reduced.
4 8 tips to get started
with Meditation
There are some tips for the Meditation 1.
Choose a Convenient Time. 2. Choose a Quiet
Place. 3. Sit in a Comfortable Posture. 4. Keep a
Relatively Empty Stomach. 5. Start With a Few
Warm-ups. 6. Take a Few Deep Breaths. 7. Keep a
Gentle Smile on Your Face. 8. Open Your Eyes
Slowly and Gently .
5 Meditation
enrichment to your soul
Commonly people have a number of thoughts in
their mind. Due to which they never have peace in
their mind. It is said that generally people have
30 to 35 thoughts processed in their mind in one
day. Meditation is a process through which
maximum thoughts vanishes and only around 5 to 6
thoughts stay in mind and people lives in
peaceful state. The person who does meditation
creates peaceful environment around them.
6 Science behind Meditation
1.STRESS According to NEUROSCIENTISTS, as we
tend to still meditate your brain PHYSICALLY
CHANGES, even though were not aware. It reshapes
itself. Mindfulness meditation activates the
remaining part of our nervous system. 2. FOCUS
NEUROSCIENTISTS have conjointly found that, when
ten hours of meditation, practitioners had
structural changes within the a part of the brain
concerned in observance self-control and our
73. Pressure Level one who does meditation
reduces ninetieth of force per unit area from
their mind. 4. Relationship when doing
analysis Researchers found MARRIED COUPLES has
exaggerated mindfulness through meditation
improves marital status quality and
communication. Meditation will maintain harmony
in relationships with everybody. After meditation
you may become lighter WITH YOURSELF, that makes
it easier for others to get on with you, and you
discover it easier to simply accept them.
8 Benefits of Meditation
9- It decreases respiratory rate.
- Good for people with high blood pressure as it
reduces B.P. Problem. - It increases blood flow in our body and slows the
heart rate. - Increases exercise tolerance in heart patients.
- Decreases muscle tension (pain due to tension)
and headaches. - Also reduces activity of viruses against
affecting our body. - It improves the capacity of exploring your inner
10Contact Us
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