Title: Waste Management By Briquettes Machine
1Waste Management Converting Agro Waste into Gold
2Day by day Huge amount of agro forestry wastes
are produced. This waste should be use in
effective manner. Otherwise, It will create
pollution and it will hazardous for environment. .
We can recycle this waste into some other
product and use it again.
3So, One way is we can produce the biomass
briquettes or white coal from these agro forestry
wastes like groundnut shell, corn straw, rice
husk, sugarcane bagasse cotton stalk, wood waste
4What is Briquettes Machine?
Briquettes machine is a machine that uses agro
forestry waste as a raw material and produce the
white coal as an output.
5What is Briquettes?
Biomass briquettes are the substitute of fossil
fuel. It is the solid form of loose biomass.
Briquettes doesnt contain any polluting
substance. It is totally eco friendly and does
not pollute the environment.
6How to produce Briquettes?
To produce briquettes, Loose biomass is passed
into the machine, through the conveyer belt it
will pass to the feeding kuppy.
After that raw material is punched through the
ram and we get the briquettes as an output.
7Why to use briquettes?
Economically cheaper than coal.
Eco friendly and renewable nature.
High burning efficiency.
Higher calorific value around 4000 kcal/kg.
Easy transportation due to its unique shape.
Pollution free.
8Thus, We can manage the waste by producing
briquettes through briquettes machine. And can
prevent the pollution and save environment.
9Contact Us
Web http//jkbioenergy.com/
Email jaykhy94_at_gmail.com
Mobile No 91-7600000018