Title: Diamond Testing by GJSPC LABORATORY
2About Us
- GJSPC LABORATORY reports represent the highest
standard of reliability, consistency and
integrity. - And now, GJSPC LABORATORY Report Check is
available for all GJSPC LABORATORY reports,
providing you with an additional level of
assurance. With Report Check, you can quickly
and conveniently confirm that the information on
your report matches what is archived in the GJSPC
LABORATORY report Database. - GJSPC LABORATORY Report Check is intended to help
confirm that the report number provided by the
user of this service corresponds to an existing
data record archived in the GJSPC LABORATORY
3Natural Diamond v/s Synthetic Diamond
- The distinction starts with a basic fact
Diamonds are diamonds and all other materials are
not diamonds. Diamond is one of the three
natural forms (amorphous carbon, graphite,
diamond) of the element carbon and has the
following physical properties - Hardness of 10 as measured on the Mohs hardness
scale - Density averages 3.51
- Cleavage in 4 directions
- Refractive index is 2.4
4- Refractive index is 2.4
- Dispersion is 0.044
- Luster index is 17.2
- There are two types of diamonds natural diamonds
and synthetic diamonds. - Natural diamonds are mined from the earth and
formed by nature. - Synthetic diamonds are man-made in a laboratory
using high pressure and high temperature.
5Need of Testing Diamond
The primary way of testing a diamond is by using
a testing machine. These small mechanisms send
heat through the gem to test how quickly it
conducts the heat. Every type of stone has it's
own rate of conducting heat, meaning that a real
diamond will always go at a certain speed. The
only problem with this method is that another
mineral, moissanite, has the exact same rate of
heat conductivity as a diamond, so special tests
need to be done after the fact to ensure that the
diamond is not this mineral.
6But those who do not have access to a diamond
testing machine have other means of finding out.
Diamonds distort whatever goes through them,
whereas a fake stone will show a clear image like
glass. Placing a diamond on top of some
newspaper text, for example, is a way to test
this. If the stone distorts the letters, it is
real. If the stone acts like glass and is
completely see-through, it is fake.
7Testing Methods
- For unmounted diamonds
- 1. Look at the stone's refractivity.
- The newspaper method
- The dot test
- 2. Observe the reflections.
- 3. Drop the stone in a glass of water and see if
it sinks to the bottom. - 4. Heat up the stone and see if it shatters.
8Testing Professionally 1. Ask for a heat probe
test. 2. Request combination diamond/moissanite
testing. 3. Get a microscopic examination. 4.
Subject the diamond to high sensitivity
weighing. 5. Inspect the diamond under
ultraviolet (UV) light. 6. Get an x-ray
9Identification Report
Identification Report is a response to the
increase in treated and synthetic diamonds in the
market place. Available for D-Z and colored
diamonds 0.20 carats and less and black diamonds
5.00 carats and less, Diamond testing services
offer tests to determine Natural vs. synthetic
and color treatment Clarity treatmentDiamond
type Gem materialSurface treatment
10Diamond Grading Report
The GJSPC Laboratory Diamond Grading Report
includes an assessment of the 4Cs Color,
Clarity, Cut, and Carat Weight along with a
plotted diagram of its clarity characteristics.
For standard round brilliant cut diamonds falling
in the D-to-Z color range, the report also
includes a GIA Cut grade.
11Contact Us
Address K-95, West Patel Nagar, New
Delhi-110008 Phone No 91 9871253335, 91
9891097276 Office 91-11-25885577,91-11-4798
0095 Email Address gjspc.in_at_gmail.com Website