Title: Arksego (1)
1Arksego - Nigerias Top Security Company
Arksego provides security services to businesses
and individuals in Nigeria, the largest country
in Africa by population. Arksego Nigeria Limited
has been the premier security company in the
country since its creation in 1980. For the past
35 yepars, Arksego has provided the best
equipment and security personnel for private
interests in Nigeria. From 24-hour surveillance
to well-armed guards, this security company can
take care of you.
2Arksego - Security Training and Education
Arksego offers a service that is unique in the
security world security training for clients.
The security training academy can train security
officers, supervisors, control room operators,
and more. With a security assessment, as well the
best security company in Nigeria can accurately
design a training program for your personnel to
gain the skills they need to secure your assets
themselves. This is a very cost-effective option
for individuals and companies.
3Arksego - Asset Tracking and Management
Arksego specializes in specific asset tracking
and management. Some of these services include
vehicle fleet management, vehicle data
monitoring, GPS or GPRS systems, geo-fencing, and
remote vehicle shutdowns. If you or your company
has many moving assets that need to be protected
at all times, Arksego is the best security
company for remote asset tracking and protection
with a variety of methods.
4Arksego - Specialist Capabilities
The security specialists at Arksego have many
capabilities specifically suited to any
situation. Our personnel is qualified and
experienced for all levels of security and
management, even in remote, dangerous areas. Our
specialists are also experts in threat assessment
to limit exposure of their charges, and keep them
abreast of any potentially dangerous security
situation. We can also help select, train, and
deploy the best local guard forces into any
5Thank You