Title: Managing global value creation
1Managing global value creation Swiss Re Group
at the turn of the millennium
- Walter B. Kielholz
- Chief Executive Officer
- Glen Cove, 27 September 1999
2Managing global value creation
- Looking back The last 12 months
- The world around us Through the rapids
- SR Group The new basic line-up or The
offensive team
3Managing global value creation
- Looking back The last 12 months
- The world around us Through the rapids
- SR Group The new basic line-up or The
offensive team
4Looking back the last 12 months
- Asia Crisis impact on Swiss Re
5Asia Crisis dramatic impact on exchange rates
USD/Local currency
Index June 1997 100
Source Datastream
6Non-life reinsurance premiums in Asia and the
Pacific region1
1 excl. Aus/NZ and Japan
Index 1990 100
Local currencies index based on weighted average
of real growth rate in local currencies. USD
index derived from nominal USD figures, but
adjusted for US inflation.
Source Swiss Re Economic Research Consulting
7Asia Crisis what it means for Swiss Re
- A throw-back of five years for the region and for
Asia Division - Crisis caused serious cost pressure Zurich cost
block not hedged - No change of strategy for the region
- Tactical
- Better cost management
- Further decentralisation
8Looking back the last 12 months
- Asia Crisis
- October 98 Financial Crisis the near miss
9October 98 Financial Crisis - the near miss
Index 4.9.98 100
Source Bloomberg
10Interest rates plummeted the example of US Govt
bond rates
Source Bloomberg
11Interest rates - the spread widens
Source Bloomberg
12October 98 Financial Crisis - lessons learned and
steps taken
- Superior risk management in investments and
credit risk is vital - The right steps taken by SR Investors
- Market disruption of this kind offers excellent
opportunities for strong players (AAA) this is
also true for insurance events - Liquid, high quality credit risk portfolios
demonstrate distinct advantages over other
portfolio compositions
13Looking back the last 12 months
- Asia Crisis
- October 98 financial crisis
- Life Re acquisition effects on the Group
14Life Re acquisition - effects on the Group
- Significant task
- Integration of Life Re
- Exit US Health business
- Reduce headcount to recognise new set-up
- push pipeline
- Most targets achieved
- Increased Life contribution to Group results were
overdue to confirm SRs strategy - Self confidence of division has increased over
the past 12 months
15Looking back the last 12 months
- Asia Crisis
- October 98 Financial Crisis
- Life Re acquisition
- Fox-Pitt, Kelton a first step toward a new
business model
16Looking back the last 12 months
- Asia Crisis
- October 98 Financial Crisis
- Life Re acquisition
- Fox-Pitt, Kelton
- Closing 98 to Triple 20 background, timing and
update of achievements
17Profit composition unbalanced development
Before tax
incl. Allocated Investment Return
18Headcount development - acquisition synergies
No. of employees
Source Group HR Controlling
19Divisional headcount - SR LH ahead in tackling
the issue
No. of employees1
1 Year end figures excluding IRMG, NCM IRMG
(July 99 412), NCM (July 99 1231)
Source Group HR Controlling
20Premiums per employee - Non-life divisions need
to improve
Adjusted for two large transactions
21Triple 20 Programme
- How to create awareness quickly despite record
result - Address various issues at the same time
underwriting, capacity, costs - Timing Too early or just in time?
- Reaction in the market and the Group better than
22Triple 20 Programme where do we stand?
- Cost Management Divisional targets agreed,
follow-up and controlling organised - The underwriting part now enters the critical
phase (renewals) - Need to enter the next round of productivity
gains soon
23The evolution of Cost Management
Cost Management 2001
Cost Management 1998
To reach our ambitious CMI targets by 2001, all
of us ought to accept, contribute and help
establish a new way of thinking
24Looking back the last 12 months
- Asia Crisis
- October 98 Financial Crisis
- Life Re acquisition
- Fox-Pitt, Kelton
- Closing 98 to Triple 20
- Y2K the sword of Damocles
25Y2K - towards the finishing/crossing line
Swiss Re cannot rule out regional time limited
disruptions. Our aim is to maintain operational
stability even under adverse/unexpected
- Business Continuity Management (BCM)
- Strategy formulated, distributed and in
implementation - Y2K Command Center Group (Y2K-CC) established and
trained - Y2K-CC coordinates, steers and controls the
rollover between Logistics, IT, Business Units
and Corporate Communications - Y2K specific exercises to be conducted for major
locations to optimize cooperation / coordination
within Group
26Y2K - towards the finishing/crossing line
- Swiss Re IT readiness for Y2K
- Mission Critical Systems (MCS) work fully
completed (100) - Business Relevant Systems (BRS) work
sufficiently completed (97) - IT Contingency Planning (IT CP) work advanced
substantially (49) - Millennium weekend roll-over plans approved and
impact understood - No problems reported as a result of critical
09.09.99 date change - Very low internal IT system risks expected at
1.1.00 date change
27Y2K underwriting aspects
- Global campaign to raise Y2K-awareness of clients
- Underwriting measures established to guide Market
Divisions - Assessment of Y2K-exposures per LoB and
implementations of underwriting measures by
Market Divisions - Best estimate of claims incurred for SR Group and
top-down verification - Current status
- All underwriting measures taken
- Y2K related claims should not surpass magnitude
of expected claims from other claims scenarios - Group wide coordination of claims handling
procedures ready
28Looking back the last 12 months
- Asia Crisis
- October 98 Financial Crisis
- Life Re acquisition
- Fox-Pitt, Kelton
- Closing 98 to Triple 20
- Y2K
- Stock markets opinion has Swiss Re fallen out
of grace?
29Stock markets opinion has Swiss Re fallen out
of grace?
Index 6.1.95 100
Source Bloomberg
30Swiss Re vs. peers not a preferred stock right
Index 25.09.98 100
Source Bloomberg
31Looking back the last 12 months
- Asia Crisis
- October 98 Financial Crisis
- Life Re acquisition
- Fox-Pitt, Kelton
- Closing 98 to Triple 20
- Y2K
- Stock markets opinion
- Interim 99 light at the end of the tunnel?
32Interim 99 Light at the end of the tunnel?
- Excellent overall result
- Strong Life development
- Improved, but still unacceptable Non-life results
- Investment results clearly exceed expectations
- Development overall within Swiss Res long term
target - Unrelenting efforts on Triple 20
33Interim Report 99 Financial key figures
34Non-life reinsurance premium growth
in CHF m
35Life reinsurance premium growth
in CHF m
Source Finance Division
36The growing importance of Life business by
technical result
Technical result in CHF m
Source Finance Division
37Swiss Res financial goal - sustainable return on
1260 bps
1040 bps
970 bps
1060 bps
800 bps
38Components of investment result(before
management charges)
7 249
6 259
4 770
3 419
Source Swiss Re Investors
39Bond portfolio actively managed Duration shifts
of bond portfolio
40Managing global value creation
- Looking back The last 12 months
- The world around us Through the rapids
- SR Group The new basic line-up or The
offensive team
41The financial services industry five main areas
Wholesale customers
Retail customers
Banking related
Insurance related
Source McKinsey Co
42Financial services industry the options
Wholesale banking
Wholesale insurance
Wholesale customers
Asset management
Retail customers
Retail and commercial insurance
Retail and commercial banking
Banking related
Insurance related
Source McKinsey Co
43Financial services industry the deals
Wholesale banking
Wholesale insurance
Merill Lynch Mercury AM
General Re New England AM
Wholesale customers
Asset management
Deutsche Bank Bankers Trust
Munich Re DKV
Nat West Gartmore
AIG Sun America
Retail customers
Credit Suisse Winterthur Ins.
Retail and commercial insurance
Retail and commercial banking
Banking related
Insurance related
Source McKinsey Co
44World direct and ceded premiums Non-life 1993
Index1 1993 100
Source Swiss Re Economic Research Consulting
1 Note Index constructed with real annual
growth rates
45Real growth of Life and Disability markets 1993
Index 1993 100
Source Swiss Re Economic Research Consulting
46Long term growth curve
Index 1965 100
Source Swiss Re Economic Research Consulting
47The Non-life cycle a negative overlay
World wide reinsurance combined ratio
Source Swiss Re Economic Research Consulting
- Internet a catalyst for accelerated momentum of
change - Established business processes and business
models under attack - Two sides of the coin
- The cost game disintermediation,
commoditisation, transparency - Business innovation - new value propositions and
business models - SR Group is much affected more positive aspects
than negative ones - SR willing to drive technology enabled business
innovation - SR less affected by business legacy systems than
primary companies
- Urgent need for a clear and comprehensive
E-Business strategy - presentation to the BoD in
50The world around us Through the rapids
- Summary
- Consolidation and changes to traditional
financial sector structure will continue - What is large?
- Basic growth drivers in the core business are
positive - The cycle Yes, the down-cycle will end, but
soon? - Competition SR among the winners of this phase
- E-Business the wild radical
51Managing global value creation
- Looking back The last 12 months
- The world around us Through the rapids
- SR Group The new basic line-up or The
offensive team
52Swiss Re Group 1999
Board of Directors
Corporate Centre
Executive Board Chief Executive Officer
Reinsurance Risk
Communications Human Resources
Information Technology
Swiss Re
Swiss Re
Swiss Re
Swiss Re
New Markets
Asset Management Financial Services
53Specific roles Reinsurance divisions
- Meet or exceed profit and growth targets set by
the BoD - Shift resource allocation to true value creating
activities within certain business, geographical
and risk limits defined by Group strategy and
risk and capital allocation - Plan and manage business portfolio to exploit
opportunities Integrate trends and developments
54Specific roles Asset Management and Financial
Services divisions
- Maintain most efficient investment portfolio
within given SAA - Meet or exceed ROI and Third Party Assets under
Management growth targets - Plan and execute TAA and securities selection
- Provide ALM and financial advisory services to
financial services sector based on leading edge
research and service quality - Build and maintain Private Equity capabilities
world wide and leverage these skills in managing
SRs participation portfolio
55The role of the Corporate Centre
- Corporate centres have the potential to add or
destroy significant value - consequently one of
the key questions is just how to go about
designing and creating a centre that has the
ability to fully exploit opportunities without
the damaging overhangs.
Source PriceWaterhouseCoopers
56The role of the Corporate Centre
- . and by the way, this also applies to the
Divisional Centres!
Source PriceWaterhouseCoopers
57The activities of the Corporate/Divisional Centre
- Analysing Corporate Centre activities we can
differentiate between - Core tasks Necessary to fulfil the organisations
obligations to authorities and stakeholders. They
embrace issues of legal compliance and regulatory
reporting, as well as those which support
stakeholder requirements - Added Value tasks Activities that enable the
enterprise to take full advantage of the
opportunities for the centre to significantly
contribute to organisational well-being and
development - Shared Services tasks Non-core activities that
have been chosen to be conducted centrally
because of economies of both scope and scale
Source PriceWaterhouseCoopers
58Value creation The real work of the
Corporate/Divisional Centre
- Build Emerging businesses, consolidation, mergers
acquisitions, decentralisation - Stretch Help/force businesses to perform to the
full potential - Link Know-how activity sharing, pooling of
negotiation power, strategic coordination,
vertical integration - Leverage Brand, relationship with other
companies, project portfolio - Portfolio development Business start-ups, RD
Source PriceWaterhouseCoopers
59Specific roles Finance Division
- Capital management for the Group and efficient
management of capitalisation process with the
Group - Tax optimisation on world wise basis
- Investors and Rating Agencies relations
balancing shareholders and rating agencies
demands - Group accounting for external reporting
- Group controlling for internal performance
measurement and risk capital allocation - Law and compliance managing Group legal,
regulatory and reputational risks
60Specific roles Reinsurance Risk Division
- Risk management CIRM, including Cat perils and
Retro to keep risk of the firm within agreed
limits - Reinsurance support Product management Property,
Casualty, Marine, Aviation and Engineering,
including interline issues to maintain
consistent underwriting policy - Knowledge management to maintain best practice
in risk underwriting - Claims contracts services to manage
contractual and claims reserve risk - Economic research consulting to support
strategic planning and brand reputation
61Specific roles Information Technology Division
- Define and implement Group IT strategy to support
and integrate with business strategy - Establish overview over Group IT project
portfolio, ensure best practice and coordinate
resource allocation in line with Group priorities - Group Data Information management to enable
optimal use of available data within our Group - Technology Office establish and implement Group
wide standards and provide technical consulting
to local IT staff - Business development in respect of E-Business
62Specific roles Communications Human Resources
- Enhance further value of Brand and position it
based on our Corporate Philosophy - Maintain communication with all stakeholders and
in particular support Investor Relations - Set framework for divisional marketing
communication and lead process of issue
management - Help to win battle for talent in hiring,
developing and retaining the best - Support top mgt to make appropriate management
63Corporate/Divisional Centre the reason for being
- Corporate centres are middlemen sitting between
investors and value creating business units as
such, they can only justify their existence if
they can add further value to shareholders.
Source PriceWaterhouseCoopers
64The management process at Group level
- Corporate Philosophy
- Group Strategic Plan and Financial Ambition
- Group Balanced Scorecard
- MbOs and performance assessment of Group Key
Position Holders - Group Compensation Philosophy