Title: How To Improve Fertility Of Soil For Plantation
1How To Improve Fertility Of Soil For Plantation
2Most soils are naturally quite fertile, but to
maintain this, sometimes fertilizers are needed.
Organic and inorganic fertilizers contain a range
of nutrients in different proportions. On most
soils the nutrients that need to be added
regularly are nitrogen for vigorous growth,
phosphates to encourage flowering and fruiting,
and potassium or potash for strong roots.
3How to Improve Soil Quality for Healthy Plant
Add inorganic fertilizers. Inorganic fertilizers
may be your only option in a small garden where
there is no space to store bulky organic
fertilizers. They can be combined with homemade
compost and leafmold.
Add organic fertilizers. Bulky organic
fertilizers, contain fewer nutrients by weight
than inorganic fertilizers, but improve the soil
in other ways They add important trace elements
and help improve soil structure.
4How to Improve Soil Quality for Healthy Plant
Add well-rotted manure. Manure is best worked
into the soil, but if used as mulch and spread on
the surface it will gradually be taken down into
the soil by earthworms.
Use mushroom compost. Like manure, it is best to
work mushroom compost into the soil. It is
alkaline and so it cannot be used where
lime-hating or acid-loving plants are to be grown.
5How to Improve Soil Quality for Healthy Plant
Improve the soil pH. Adding lime raises the soil
pH and can be added to heavy or compacted soil to
help to break up lumps to form crumbs.
Improve soil drainage. Add coarse sand into a
heavy soil to open it up and improve drainage to
an extent.
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