Title: Mitochondrial proteins
1The critical role of carbohydrate post
translational modifications on cell surface
proteins and those bound to circulatory proteins
is well recognized. Glycans on proteins mediate a
host of biological events including cell
adhesion, immune system function, fertilization,
cellular targeting as well as protein transport,
stabilization and half-life. It has also been
established that o-beta-GlcNAc is a dynamic post
translational modification involved in more than
3,000 nuclear, cytoplasmic and mitochondrial
proteins. Sussex Research is a well known
specialist in carbohydrate synthesis with an
established international reputation. Founded in
1996, Sussex Research is a carbohydrate-enabling
company, excelling in the design, synthesis and
characterization of carbohydrate-based molecules.
Our unique product portfolio enables researchers
across a variety of scientific disciplines to
readily explore and exploit glycobiology via
facile introduction onto small molecules,
biological molecules, nanoparticles or surfaces.
Our advanced capabilities in carbohydrate
synthetic chemistry, purification and
characterization has benefited our collaborators
in academia, research institutions, biotechnology
and pharma at all stages of research
development from basic research to clinical
trials. A modern carbohydrate portfolio Glycosy
lated amino acids, glycosylated peptides,
glycosylated lipids, oligosaccharides,
biotinylated carbohydrates, carbohydrates with
functional linkers/spacers, glucuronides,
glycoconjugates, lipopolysaccharides Carbohydrat
e custom synthesis and contract research
development Sussex Research is highly active in
custom synthesis, contract manufacture and
contract research development of
oligosaccharides, glycosaminoglycans, glycoamino
acids, glycopeptides, modified carbohydrates with
functionalized linkers/spacers and a wide variety
of synthetic building blocks. We routinely carry
out carbohydrate synthesis, oligosaccharide
synthesis, glycan synthesis, glycoamino acid
synthesis, glycopeptide synthesis, glycoconjugate
synthesis, glucuronide synthesis, glycan
biotinylation, glycolipid synthesis,
lipopolysaccharide synthesis, glycocongugation to
carrier proteins, custom synthesis and other
2Custom Synthesis Sussex Research is known
worldwide for its custom synthesis and contract
RD capabilities which utilize our core expertise
in carbohydrate synthesis and method development.
We provide custom synthesis solutions for
biopharmaceutical, therapeutic, diagnostic and
research applications for development of
molecules that incorporate glycotechnology or
exploit glycobiology. We excel at
oligosaccharide, glycopeptide and glycoconjugate
synthesis. All materials produced at Sussex are
thoroughly analyzed and characterized on-site via
a variety of state-of-the-art spectroscopic
techniques including high field nmr and mass
spectrometry. Sussex Research specializes in
multi-step custom synthesis for researchers. We
welcome projects which utilize our core expertise
in carbohydrate synthesis. Analytical
Services Sussex Research offers analytical and
bioanalytical services on a fee-for-service basis
from glycoanalysis in support of structure
characterization to small molecule
characterization and bioanalytical analysis in
support of drug discovery and research programs.
Glycoamino Acids
Linker/Spacer Glycosystems
K. Brady Clark, Ph.D. Sussex Research
Laboratories Inc. 100 Sussex Drive, Suite 1120B
Ottawa, Ontario Canada K1A 0R6 Email
bclark_at_sussex-research.com Tel (613)
993-4402 Fax (613) 949-5993 http//www.sussex-re