Title: RITEE
2RITEE looks forward to establishing itself as a
premier technical educational institution
imparting quality education at the graduate and
post graduate levels.
3The Institution dedicates itself to educate and
train students to enable them to achieve a
perceptible value addition in their technical
4The Institution also envisages extending its
5RITEE provides facilities towards disseminating
information and imparting knowledge.
6The Institution strives to involve all
stakeholders, value the commitment of its
employees to a high quality education and
7To provide an environment that challenges the
students mind through academics, emphasizes on
the inculcation of values.
8We can proudly claim to have played an
instrumental role in the shaping of individuals
with well groomed personalities.
9The results of our students have almost always
been excellent with a large majority of first
class holders.
10Students are provided with individual terminals
and they are imparted instruction using the
modern technology of VGA splitter.
11RIT also provides a proper academic ambiance with
well-furnished, spacious classrooms equipped with
contemporary instructional accessories including
OHPs nd LCD projectors.Â
12A fleet of institute owned buses is available for
transportation of students from different parts
of the city.
13RITEE provides the necessary hardware and
software to cater to the computing needs of all
14The institute has established seven computer
centers with more than 400 state of the art
computing machines having software platforms
including NT, Windows-2000, Novell Linux.
15More details at