Title: Economic botany
- Roll no Name
2 Medicinal Flora
S.No Botanical Name Vernacular Name Family Part Used Ethnomedicinal Uses
1 Zizyphus jujuba beri Rhamnaceae Fruit, leaves and roots Jaundice,Skin disease, Carminative, Sedative
3S.No Botanical Name Vernacular Name Family Part Used Ethnomedicinal Uses
2 Acacia arabica Kikar Mimosaceae Leaves and fruits Cough, Dysentery
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3 Acacia modesta Phulai Mimosaceae Bark, wood and Gum Tonic for back and joints pain, , Dental cavities, rheumatism, snake bite, diuretic
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4 Abutilon indicum Peeli booti Malvaceae Leaves and stem To treat boils, Expectorant, diuretic, oral contraceptive, abortifacient, antiasthmatic.
6S.No Botanical Name Vernacular Name Family Part Used Ethnomedicinal Uses
5 Aloe barbadensis Kunvar Gandal Liliaceae Whole plant Boils, Piles and fever
7S.No Botanical Name Vernacular Name Family Part Used Ethnomedicinal Uses
6 Morus nigra Kala shahtoot Moraceae Fruits General tonic for body and cough, Throat and chest infection
8S.No Botanical Name Vernacular Name Family Part Used Ethnomedicinal Uses
7 Ricinus commumis Harnoli Euphorbiaceae Seeds, leaves, and Bark Boils, Swelling, digestive, blood purifier, tonic, cough and colds.
9S.No Botanical Name Vernacular Name Family Part Used Ethnomedicinal Uses
8 Azadirachta indica Neem Meliaceae Leaves Skin diseases and blood purification
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9 Aerva javanica Booh Amaranthaceae Whole plant Skin infection, inflammation and abdominal worms
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10 Brassica nigra Kali sarson Brassicaceae Whole plant Laxative, headache, toothache, cold and rheumatic
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11 Bryophyllum pinnatum Zakham-ehayat Crassulaceae Leaves and juice Hypertension renal calculus and skin diseases
13S.No Botanical Name Vernacular Name Family Part Used Ethnomedicinal Uses
12 Calotropis procera Aak Asclepiadaceae Whole plant Malaria and Cholera, purgative and anthelmethic, headache, jaundice, poultice for swelling
14S.No Botanical Name Vernacular Name Family Part Used Ethnomedicinal Uses
13 Capparis decidua Kirrer Capparidaceae Whole plant Ulcers, asthma and rheumatic Pain, skin diseases
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14 Capparis aphylla Kareen Capparidaceae Whole plant Brain tonic, joints and back pain
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15 Carum copticum Ajwain desi Apiaceae Whole plant Appetizers, kidney stone, digestion and whooping cough
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16 Cassia augustifolia Sena Caesalpiniaceae Leaves, branches and fruit Headache, brain tonic and intestinal diseases
18S.No Botanical Name Vernacular Name Family Part Used Ethnomedicinal Uses
17 Chenopodium album Bathu Chenopodiaceae Whole plant Laxative and Anthelmintic
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18 Cleome brachycarpa Dhanar khathoori Capparidaceae Whole plant Joints pain and inflammation
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19 Cucumis melo Chibber Cucurbitaceae Fruit Digestive and stomach problems
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20 Citrullus colocynthus Tumba Cucurbitaceae Root and fruit Antidiabetic and stomach problems
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21 Withania somnifera Asgand Solanaceae Whole plant Leucoderma, Diuretic and Analgestic
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22 Solanum surretense Mohakri Solanaceae Fruit Cough, Asthma and Rheumatic pain
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23 Albizia lebbeck Sharen,siris Fabaceae Bark, leaves treat boils, cough, to treat the eye, flu,, lung problems, abdominal tumors.
25S.No Botanical Name Vernacular Name Family Part Used Ethnomedicinal Uses
24 Dalbergia sissoo Tali Fabaceae Leaves, roots and wood Leprosy, boils, eruptions and stop vomiting
26S.No Botanical Name Vernacular Name Family Part Used Ethnomedicinal Uses
25 Datura innoxia Datura Solanaceae Leaves and seeds Hydrophobia and earache
27S.No Botanical Name Vernacular Name Family Part Used Ethnomedicinal Uses
26 Eruca sativa Tara mera, Jamaon Brassicaceae Leaves and seeds Skin diseases and joint's pain
28S.No Botanical Name Vernacular Name Family Part Used Ethnomedicinal Uses
27 Eucalyptus globules Safaida Myrtaceae Seeds and leaves Malaria, Antibacterial and Antiseptic
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28 Euphorbia thymifolia Dodak Euphorbiaceae Whole plant Bronchial infection, cough and asthma
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29 Fagonia indica Dhumia Zygophyllaceae Whole plant Antibetic, pimples and ear infection
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30 Ficus religiosa Pipal Moraceae Seeds and fruits Laxative
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31 Fumaria parviflora Shahtra Fumariaceae Whole plant Diuretic, Anthelmintic and expectorant
33S.No Botanical Name Vernacular Name Family Part Used Ethnomedicinal Uses
32 Lathyrus aphaca Jangli phalli Papillonaceae Seeds and flowers Seeds used as Narcotic and flowers as resolvent
34S.No Botanical Name Vernacular Name Family Part Used Ethnomedicinal Uses
33 Launaea fragilis Bhatter Asteraceae Whole plant Painful urination and gonorrhoea
35S.No Botanical Name Vernacular Name Family Part Used Ethnomedicinal Uses
34 Melia azedarach Dherak Meliaceae Seed and Leaves Diabetes, blood purification and Skin tonic
36S.No Botanical Name Vernacular Name Family Part Used Ethnomedicinal Uses
35 Mentha spicata Pahari podina Lamiaceae Whole plant Nausea, sickness, Vomiting and stomach diseases.
37S.No Botanical Name Vernacular Name Family Part Used Ethnomedicinal Uses
36 Mimordica dioca Jungli karela Cucurbitaceae Fruit, seeds and root Diabetes, sedative, bleeding piles and urinary complaints
38S.No Botanical Name Vernacular Name Family Part Used Ethnomedicinal Uses
37 Portulaca oleracea Lunak  Portulaceae Leaves, Fruit Cholera, diarrhoea, relieve sores , insect or snake bites , bleeding of the genito-urinary tract ,dysentery
39S.No Botanical Name Vernacular Name Family Part Used Ethnomedicinal Uses
38 Ocimum sanctum Niazboo Lamiaceae Seeds Stomach and vomiting.
40S.No Botanical Name Vernacular Name Family Part Used Ethnomedicinal Uses
39 Plantago ovata Ispaghul Plantaginaceae Seeds fruit and leaves Antidiarrhoeal, Constipation and laxative
41S.No Botanical Name Vernacular Name Family Part Used Ethnomedicinal Uses
40 Peganum harmala Hermal Zygophllaceae Whole plant Brain tonic, insecticidal and viral diseases
42S.No Botanical Name Vernacular Name Family Part Used Ethnomedicinal Uses
41 Boerhavia diffusa It sit Nyctaginaceae Leaves, Bark Antiamoebic, Antibacterial, pain relief improve and protect eyesight
43S.No Botanical Name Vernacular Name Family Part Used Ethnomedicinal Uses
42 Rhyncosia minima Bichu Boti Urticaceae Whole plant Anti itch, athritis, Urticaceae
44S.No Botanical Name Vernacular Name Family Part Used Ethnomedicinal Uses
43 Argyrolobium roseum Makhan booti Papillonaceae Whole plant Aphrodisiac and Tonic
45S.No Botanical Name Vernacular Name Family Part Used Ethnomedicinal Uses
44 Rhazya stricta Verian Apocynaceae Roots, leaves and branches Tooth diseases, Diabetes, Constipation and Intestional diseases
46S.No Botanical Name Vernacular Name Family Part Used Ethnomedicinal Uses
45 Spinacea oleracea Palak Chenopodiaceae Leaves and stem Anemia, Bone's Tonic and produce fresh blood
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46 Solanum nigrum Makoo Solanaceae Whole plant Antiseptic, tonic in fever, dyspepsia, scabies, skin infection, dental problem
48S.No Botanical Name Vernacular Name Family Part Used Ethnomedicinal Uses
47 Salvadora oleides Pilu Salvadoraceae Whole plant Purgative, Cough and Regulate the menstruation periods
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48 Tagetes patala Sudburga Asteraceae Fruits To cure piles
50S.No Botanical Name Vernacular Name Family Part Used Ethnomedicinal Uses
49 Tribulus terrestris Bhakra Zygophyllaceae Whole plant Painful urination
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50 Achyranthes aspera Puthkanda Amaranthaceae Whole plant Diuretic, Piles, Skin eruptions
52S.No Botanical Name Vernacular Name Family Part Used Ethnomedicinal Uses
51 Trianthema portulacastrum Woho Aizoaceae Whole plant Jaundice, Asthma, Cough and for Fever
53S.No Botanical Name Vernacular Name Family Part Used Ethnomedicinal Uses
52 Cynodon dactylon Khuble ghas Poaceae Roots Diuretic and laxative
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53 Cyperus rotundus Dellia ghas Cyperaceae Tuber Anthelmintic, stimulant, diuretic