Title: Ika Dewi Wijayanti NIP 2100201301001
1Pengujian Tarik (Tensile Test)
2Latar belakang
- Kebutuhan desain dan perencanaan material di
dalam sebuah konstruksi - Tegangan hasil uji tarik (awal terjadinya
deformasi plastis)?tegangan ijin
material?dibandingkan dengan tegangan riil yang
diterima oleh material
4Spesimen Uji
- JIS Z 2201 (Jepang)
- ASTM E-8 (USA)
- BS (Eropa)
Standard pengujian
Gauge length Daerah yang mengalami efek
pembebanan ? ditentukan berdasarkan standard uji
benda uji
5Fenomena Uji Tarik
6Fenomena Uji Tarik
7Fenomena Uji Tarik
8Fenomena Uji Tarik
9Hasil uji tarik
Transformasi grafik F - ?l ke grafik ? - ?
Modulus Elastisitas (Modulus Youngs)
Poissons Ratio
11Contoh Soal
- From the tensile stressstrain behavior for the
brass specimen shown in the Figure, determine the
following - The modulus of elasticity
- The yield strength at a strain offset of 0.002
- The maximum load that can be sustained by a
cylindrical specimen having an original diameter
of 12.8 mm (0.505 in.) - The change in length of a specimen originally 250
mm (10 in.) long that is subjected to a tensile
stress of 345 MPa (50,000 psi)
- a. The modulus of elasticity is the slope of the
elastic or initial linear portion of the
stressstrain curve
- c. The maximum load that can be sustained by the
specimen ? tensile strength point
d. To compute the change in length, it is first
necessary to determine the strain that is
produced by a stress of 345 MPa. This is
accomplished by locating the stress point on the
stressstrain curve, point A, and reading the
corresponding strain from the strain axis, which
is approximately 0.06
Gambar dibawah ini adalah grafik P - ?L hasil uji
tarik suatu batang baja berdiameter 40 mm dan
gauge length 200 mm. Reduction of area 10 .
- Tentukan
- Tensile strength dan offset yield strength
- Kekakuan baja tersebut...
- Modulus ketangguhan dan modulus resilience
- Ductility dalam percentage of elongation
- Tegangan sebenarnya pada saat patah