Title: Writing High - Impact Executive Summaries
1Writing High - Impact Executive Summaries
www.onlinecompliancepanel.com 510-857-5896
2- Instructor Profile
- Philip Vassallo-Ed.D, has
designed, delivered, and supervised communication
training programs for more than 20,000 executive,
managerial, supervisory, administrative, and
technical professionals internationally over the
past three decades. He is the author of the books
How to Write Fast Under Pressure, The Art of
E-Mail Writing, and The Art of On-the-Job
Writing. He has edited major reports for the US
government, City of New York, and the corporate
world. He also writes the blog Words on the Line,
which offers practical tips for developing
writers. Dr. Vassallo has taught internationally,
currently as a faculty member of the Beijing
International MBA program.
www.onlinecompliancepanel.com 510-857-5896
3- Description
- Management demands that the
executive summary live up to its name. So the
expectation is clear tell me as thoroughly as
possible without wasting a word only the
information important to me so that I can decide
on whatever you expect of me. "Millions of
dollars are at stake," a client for a major
pharmaceutical company recently said. "All the
logic and due diligence I put into the proposal
are useless unless I can move the CEO to act on
the strength of the executive summary alone." - Why Should you Attend
- When writing an executive summary
of research findings, you have many choices
because volumes of information about most topics
inundate you in a content-crazed world. And when
suggesting a course of action, you have many
choices because management's direction changes
course rapidly in a volatile marketplace. For
these reasons, businesspeople often ask, "What
should go into an executive summary?" In
business, many disparate staffers assume the task
of summarizing in writing.
www.onlinecompliancepanel.com 510-857-5896
4- Objectives of the Presentation
- Attending this webinar will enable
you to - Approach the writing situation with a
clear and useful strategy. - Fuse the purpose of the summary with the issues
that matter to your audience. - Sort ideas to clarify the key points.
- Craft paragraphs that reinforce the intent of the
executive summary. - Edit language to move the reader to action.
www.onlinecompliancepanel.com 510-857-5896
5Who can BenefitAccounting professionals,
Banking managers, Business forecasters, Economic
advisors, Executive consultants, Information
technology experts, Pharmaceutical
representatives, Retail specialists, Risk
- Live Session - How it works
- Username and Password will be sent to you 24
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end of webinar, your valuable feedback will help
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- Recorded Session - How it works
- A link will be provided to you upon purchase of
the recorded session - Please click on the link to access the session
- Presentation handouts in pdf formate will be
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www.onlinecompliancepanel.com 510-857-5896
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www.onlinecompliancepanel.com 510-857-5896