Title: Indian Solar Report: Solar Energy Industry
1Indian Solar Report Solar Energy Industry
Energy line India are pleased to announce the
release of the research report -"Indian Solar
Report Solar Energy Industry Present and Future
Prospects in India" With the new government
taking charge and a strong emphasis on
development of renewable power and energy
security, solar energy is in the limelight yet
again. The Modi government has been stressing on
the importance of diversifying sources of energy,
independent from constant international fuel
price fluctuations which burdens the outflow of
Indian foreign exchange. Solar energy is,
therefore, expected to receive a fresh pour of
investments with all major players bidding to get
a taste of the lucrative solar environment in
Contact No 91.22.27810772, 27810773
Email Id info_at_marketreportsonindia.com
3Detailed Financial Analysis for a Prudent
Approach to a Solar Business Venture Calculate
the Project IRR and Quantify the RisksThe
report provides detailed financial analysis of
solar power projects taking into account the
latest benchmark costs and other practical
assumptions. The entire financial calculations
are provided along with the report in an excel
document, which can be used for competitive
bidding, calculating project IRR and Equity IRR
by inputting values for different parameters such
as project cost, interest rate, tariff bid and
utilization factor. This is an important tool for
any potential entrant seeking to venture into the
solar market in India, allowing our readers to
get an insight into the risks and threats that
have to be countered in order to plan a
successful solar business model.
Contact No 91.22.27810772, 27810773
Email Id info_at_marketreportsonindia.com
4Current Trends, Pricing and Prevalent Market
Dynamics The report explores the market trends
in the Indian Solar Industry while giving an
abstract view of the global solar scenario. The
report inspects module prices in different
regions of the world, giving a vivid picture of
the difference in pricing and the underlying
causes of the price disparity. Company-wise
capacity, installations and market share reveals
the concealed opportunities that can be exploited
by investing in suitable opportunities offered by
the solar sector. The report ventures into the
technicalities and mechanics of the solar sector
and gives a simplified view of the complex market
dynamics so as to provide a complete
understanding of the Indian Solar Industry.
Contact No 91.22.27810772, 27810773
Email Id info_at_marketreportsonindia.com
5A Comprehensive Study on Solar Cells, Modules,
Inverters and EPC Scenario in India The report
includes a complete list of all operational solar
power plants in India that account for a capacity
of over 2500 MW. A comprehensive study of
installed capacity, annual growth, state-wise and
scheme-wise distribution of solar projects,
market share of all solar equipment manufacturers
service providers, namely, cells, modules,
inverters and EPC has been carried out. In
addition, a methodical compilation of solar
policies regulations of all states involved in
solar power generation is given for a better
understanding of the solar scenario in India.
Contact No 91.22.27810772, 27810773
Email Id info_at_marketreportsonindia.com
6 Table of Contents
- Executive Summary
- Introduction
- Global Solar Scenario
- Indian Solar Scenario
- Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission
- Commercially Viable Solar Cell Technologies
- Solar Energy Value Chain
- Policies and Regulations of Important States
- Operational Grid Connected Solar Power Plants in
India Name of Project Developer, State,
District, Date of Commissioning and Commissioned
Contact No 91.22.27810772, 27810773
Email Id info_at_marketreportsonindia.com
7To know more Indian Solar Report Solar
Energy Industry - Present and Future Prospects in
IndiaContact Us Toll Free US
1-866-279-8368India 91.22.27810772,