Title: A big break for Ebola
1A big break for
OH MY!!!
I dont want to die
Help me!
Somebody send some help
Son of a
Im not infected!
Substance Abuse Recovery
Call Now (888) 487-7997
2This is the microscopic representation of
Ebola That hits Africa
This is Africa
3History of Ebola
In the year 1976 an outbreak of Ebola started and
its named after a river called Ebola River in
Oopss, this is not Ebola River!
The First outbreak known as Ebola-Sudan
infected 284 people with a mortality rate of 53
And after a few months another outbreak happens
on Yambuku, Zaire, Ebola-Zaire with a
mortality rate of 88
And another outbreak happens in 1989 when a
monkey from Mindanao, PH, is transported to
Reston, Virginia Ebola-Reston
And in 1994 a female ethologist performing a
necropsy on a dead chimpanzee from the Tai
Forest, Cote D'Ivoire
5And In December 2013
Another outbreak started in Guinea, spreading to
Liberia and Sierra Leone and other West African
Sierra Leone
6United States of America
With 1 deaths confirmed, While the European Union
is preparing for a possible Ebola outbreak
In the United Kingdom a man in Macedonia died and
is suspected to have carried the disease while
his friend is now under observation
While in Spain a Woman is suspected to carry the
disease together with 14 people who are now
contained and observed if they will develop the
8But hey, Wake up!
According to the last tally there is a total of
8,000 people who are infected while 3,000 are dead
Stop Crying! Thats just a portion of what I'm
going to tell you right now
9Did you know?
That in the United States Excessive Alcohol use
leads to a total of 88,000 deaths every year
Comparing to the Ebola Outbreak 88,000 to 8,000
is just a portion and only 9.1
Substance Abuse Recovery
Call Now (888) 487-7997
10Did you know?
Drug Overdose increased by 118 every year from
1999 to 2011
41,340 to 8,000 is just a portion and only 19
And in 2011 total of 33,071, of the 41,340 Drug
Overdose deaths are intentional in the United
States Alone
Substance Abuse Recovery
Call Now (888) 487-7997
Unintentional Drug Overdose of 5,298 (12.8)
33,071 Intentional (80)
While 82 or 0.2 are homicide
And 2,871 (7.1) were undetermined
56 are Males
82 were 21 or older
12Its not just drugs and Alcohol
If youre going to branch out every disease or
things that human has done there could be around
thousands and its more fatal than Ebola
Like Civil War in the middle east, Cancer and
other contagious disease
Atomic Bomb AKA FAT MAN
13This is more deadly than this
14How can you live longer?
Accept the fact that everyone dies, but you
should love yourself and your body unless you
will end up dying early
It doesnt matter if youre rich or poor what
matters is that youre healthy and create a
healthy lifestyle and hobbies that would improve
your skills and talents
Substance Abuse Recovery
Call Now (888) 487-7997
Call Now (888) 487-7997
15Stay Fit
Eat Nutritious food
16And live life to the fullest!
17Substance Abuse Recovery 323 Emerald St.
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