Title: Sandy Shores Pediatric Dentistry
1Sandy Shores Pediatric Dentistry
- At Sandy Shores pediatric dentistry, we are
committed to making you childs dental experience
a fun one. Here we understand that every child is
unique and we tailor our treatment to the
specific needs of each one.
2About Us
Dr. James H. Bekker DMD - Dr. Bekker is a native
of Utah, and attended the University of Utah
obtaining a degree in psychology. Dr. Matthew V.
Jacobsen DDS - Dr. Matt graduated from University
of Utah, receiving an undergraduate degree in
Biomedical Engineering.
3Our Services
- At Sandy Shores, we specialize in treating
children, adolescents, and individuals with
special needs. We provide the following services
- Infant Oral Exams
- New and Continuing Patient Examinations
- Restorative Care
My eight year old and my six year have been
patients of Dr. Bekkers since they were one. I
love their kind and patient demeanor, and the
kids love the televisions!!Micky
5Contact Us
1434 East 9400 South,Sandy UT 84093 Telephone
801-571-5800 Fax 801-571-5522
For more information, please visit our website -