Title: Hartley Bernstein - Criminal and Civil Law
1Hartley BernsteinCriminal Civil law
Hartley T. Bernstein is a corporate and
securities attorney and civil litigator with a
specialty in business transactions and civil
2A Little Introduction
Criminal Law
Criminal Law is deals with the act of intentional
harm ness of individuals but which, in a larger
sense that are against us all. Criminal law
involves a system of legal rules designed to keep
the public safety and discourage wrongful
conduct. Criminal Law is a body of rules and
statutes that defines conduct prohibited by the
government .
3A Little Introduction
Civil Law
Civil Law known as the system of law concerned
with private relations between members of a
community rather than criminal or religious
affairs. The civil law is a practice helps to
solve the legal issues that impact on people's
everyday lives such as debts, pending fines,
discrimination etc.
4A Little About Bernstein Cherney LLP
Bernstein Cherney LLP is a boutique New York City
law firm with extensive experience in corporate
law, civil litigation and real estate matters.
The firm counsels its clients on a broad range
of business-related and corporate matters,
including, securities issues, mergers and
acquisitions. As litigators, we represent
clients before state and federal courts,
administrative agencies and arbitration.
5Our Practice Area
- Hartley Bernstein represent individuals and
businesses in connection with a wide range of
issues, including strategic planning, formation,
corporate governance and capital raising
transactions. - He advise domestic and international clients in
connection with issues relating to business
formation, acquisitions, and contractual matters.
6Contact Us
Bernstein Cherney LLP 767 Third Avenue, 30th
Floor, New York, New York 10017 Tel
212-381-9684 Cell 917-656-4550 Fax
646-304-9535 hbernstein_at_bernsteincherney.com