Title: Indian Media and Entertainment Industry Outlook to 2017
1 Indian Media and
Entertainment Industry Outlook to
Indian Media and Entertainment industry
includes television, print and digital
advertising along with entertainment sources such
as films, games and music Television segment
accounted for around 45 of the total market
share of the Indian media and entertainment
industry in 2013, whereas print media together
with digital advertising, constitutes
approximately 30 of the industrys total
market The industry has grown rapidly between
2000 and 2013 backed by rising per-capita income
and growing digitalisation in the country
Though the industry is in a growing mode, piracy
still remains a major challenge which is
hampering the overall growth of the industry
The industry is expected to grow further on the
back of favourable government initiatives such as
compulsory digitalisation across Pan-India and
growing demand for advertising
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Email Id info_at_marketreportsonindia.com
3The report provides detailed market analysis,
information and insights, including Defines
the industry and explains its constituents
Describes how the market has evolved over the
years and how consumers have got benefited with
the evolution of the market Analyses in detail
how the market size of Indian Media and
Entertainment Industry has performed over the
last couple of years and forecasts the value till
2017, analyses key industry segments and
forecasts the segmental revenue till 2017,analyse
key trends, drivers impacting the industry and
challenges the industry is facing Analyses key
players through competitive landscape analysis
Forecasts how industry performance till 2017
Contact No 91.22.27810772, 27810773
Email Id info_at_marketreportsonindia.com
4Scope It provides comprehensive analysis of the
growth drivers, trends and the key challenges the
industry is facing along with analysing where the
industry is heading in the coming years The
report analyses Indian Media and Entertainment
Industry Outlook, along with forecast figures for
20142017 for various industry sub-segments
Reasons to Buy Take strategic business
decisions using historic and forecast market data
related to the Indian Media and Entertainment
Industry Understand the growth-side dynamics
within the Indian Media and Entertainment
Industry, along with key market trends and growth
Contact No 91.22.27810772, 27810773
Email Id info_at_marketreportsonindia.com
5 Table of Contents
- Executive Summary
- Industry Definition and Overview
- Industry segmentation
- Industry Evolution
- Industry Overview Market size of Indian ME
Industry (2012-2017F) - Industry Overview Advertising Revenue Across
Segments in India (2013) - Industry Overview Advertising Revenue Share
across Segments (2013) - Key Trends and Drivers
- Key Challenges
- Competitive Landscape Analysis
- Market outlook
Contact No 91.22.27810772, 27810773
Email Id info_at_marketreportsonindia.com
6To know more Indian Media and
Entertainment Industry Outlook to 2017Contact
Us Toll Free US 1-866-279-8368India
91.22.27810772, 27810773info_at_marketreportsonindi