Title: NSTIC: “Are we there yet?” … Gluu: “Are you kidding?”
1 NSTIC Are we there yet? Gluu Are you
- As CEO of Gluu, I talk with organizations every
day about cas single sign on and privacy. Gluus
business is quite global we have customers in
the U.S., Europe, Asia and the Middle East. I am
in the frequent position of apologizing or joking
about privacy in the US. -
- Lets address the gorilla in the elevator if the
US government is going to get on its high horse
about security and privacy, it better stop
hacking into corporate systems like Google. This
undermines the integrity of your effort to
develop a privacy protecting ecosystem that
assumes the participants abide by the rules. -
- Mike Hearns recent blog sums it up In the
absence of working law enforcement, we therefore
do what internet engineers have always done
build more secure software. In other words,
trust no one not even the government. -
- So perhaps before NSTIC committees try to herd a
bunch of cats at great expense, it would be
expedient to take those sacred privacy principles
to Obama and ask him to instruct the agencies of
the US government to eat their own dog food.
2If the goal is to make the Internet a safer
place, fix the front door authentication. Witho
ut an Internet infrastructure for authentication,
we cant even build the next generation of
privacy protecting technologies that will enable
the enlightened goals of the NSTIC guiding
principles. NSTIC should be doing more to support
web access management system (wam) to make
affordable open source software available to all
Internet domains to protect themselves from
hackers (and the NSA). About Gluu Gluu is an
Austin, TX startup that provides open source and
on demand cloud identity and trust management.
Gluu leverages standards such as OpenID Connect,
SAML 2.0, and SCIM to make achieving active
directory single sign on and easy. Deployed
quickly on public and private cloud servers,
Gluus On Demand cloud identity platform
addresses the installation and operational issues
of an organizational identity provider at one
predictably low annual cost. Article