Title: PeachCare for All Kids
1PeachCare for All Kids
2300,000 Georgia children youth lack coverage
1 in 8 Georgia children
Equal to
All 1st Graders
All Pre-Kers
All Kindergarteners
3Why is being uninsured a problem?
- No regular source of care
- 10 times more likely not to get needed care
- School absences learning problems
- Parents missing work
- Long-term health issues
- Delayed care more expensive, less effective
- Lower earning power
4Who are uninsured children?
- 84 in working families
- Almost three-quarters with low or moderate family
incomes (less than 40,000 for family
of 4) - This group in current Medicaid and PeachCare
income range. - Most in 2-parent families
5Why are children uninsured?
- Employers dropping dependent coverage
- High premiums/cost shares
- Private insurance expensive, skimpy
- Child excluded or capped due to health problems
- Public employees children ineligible for
6Why make it PeachCare for All Kids?
- Working system in place
- Low administrative cost
- Coverage when children are well, coverage when
theyre sick - Federal government, state, and families share
cost - Popularity with Georgians
- Children of public employees eligible
- Relief of stress for all Georgia families
7How would PeachCare for All Kids look?
- PeachCare for All Kids A
- Medicaid expanded to 200 of federal poverty
level (40,000 family of 4). Same as Medicaid
for pregnant women infants now. - PeachCare for All Kids B
- Like current PeachCare with incomes between 200
and 400 of poverty - PeachCare for All Kids C
- Buy-in for children ineligible for A or B
8PeachCare for All Kids family cost-sharing
- Premiums and copays vary based on income in
PeachCare for All Kids A B - Buy-in for PeachCare for All Kids C based on
favorable large group rate
9Services under PeachCare for All Kids
- Same comprehensive services for all children
except Part A will also cover non-emergency
transportation for those who need it.
10Why is it designed this way?
- State and federal governments share in the cost
- Families pay based on ability
- All families are eligible
11How much would PeachCare for All Kids cost?
About 150 million in state funds (children in
current eligibility income range not counting
premiums) Also, this brings in over 250 million
in federal funds Premium payments would lower
12How much is 150 million?
- Georgias share of 3 ½ weeks of current Medicaid
- Car tag tax the legislature may replace with
state funds - 600 million - FY 2007 impact of tax breaks enacted in last
legislative term - 117 million - Sales tax exemption on prescription drugs
medical devices - 227 million
13How much does doing nothing cost?
- Leaving children uninsured costs 3 for every 1
spent on a child receiving Medicaid (Illinois
actuarial analysis) - Georgia families with insurance pay 746 a year
in additional premiums for all uninsured
14What else do we need to do to make the system
work best for children?
- Outreach
- Easy enrollment premium payment
- Reasonable payments to doctors and other health
professionals - Easy access to specialists
15PeachCare for All Kids works for Georgia.
- It works for families
- All children eligible
- All children in same plan
- Uninterrupted coverage during job change
- Coverage families can be proud of
- It works for business
- Reduced benefit administrative costs
- Workers focused on work
- Ga. businesses more competitive
16Who enacts PeachCare for All Kids?
- Governor
- Legislators
- Department of Community Health
17Georgians want action.
- Most Georgians are very willing to consider
almost any solution to curb rising healthcare
costs and increasing numbers of uninsured. - Source Georgia Health Policy Center, Georgia
Healthcare Coverage Project, Georgians
Attitudes on Providing Coverage for the
18Who makes PeachCare for All Kids happen?