Title: High Quality Meat at Schirnhofer
1How to select fresh meat
2 When you go to the store for purchasing meat
you may have a hard time selecting fresh meat.
You may dont know how to recognize the
freshness. You may be able to know the expiry
date, thats because it will be labeled on the
package. These days there is a lot of scary news
about the food products in supermarket and other
outlets. Therefore, it is very important that you
inform yourself on how to find the freshest and
safest ingredients.
3Tips to check the freshness of meat.
4 We cannot open the packaged meat and check
the freshness of meat. Most supermarkets do not
allow this. Therefore, you need to rely on what
you see. Looking at the sell-by date will give
you a good idea of the meats freshness to some
level. Fresh beef has cream colored fat and
bright red meat. Do not pick the meat if it isnt
5 The freshness of the meat differs according
to the meat type. When you go to purchase meat
think of the type of meat you are planning to
buy. ground beef, the sale date is just one day
because it is highly perishable. For chops and
steaks, the sale period is 3 to 5 days. For
vacuum-packed cuts of meat, the sale period is
much longer.
6 One of the simplest way of selecting fresh
meat is by asking the shopkeeper when the meat
gets delivered at the shop and you can select the
meat that came later. It will be more fresh than
meats came before.
7 The final way to verify the freshness of a
meat is by pressing it. If the meat is fresh,
then it will spring right back.
8 Schirnhofer is one of the largest meat and
sausage producer in Austria. It is a family owned
business which was started in 1926. Christian
Schirnhofer is one of the individual responsible
for the success of Schirnhofer. Schirnhofer
achieved success by delivering the best quality
products. At Schirnhofer satisfaction of the
customers is the primary objective.