Title: Larrie Hermans (4)
1Licensed School Counselor Larrie Hermans
2Larrie Hermans is a professional student
counselor with 20 years of rich experience in
helping high school students pick the best
classes for them. It is the job of the counselor
to assess the students ability by talking to him
and then suggesting the most appropriate paths
and career alternatives. The following are some
qualities that Larrie Hermans recommends for
anyone who want to be a great counselor.
3 Fantastic Communication Skills This is
perhaps one of the most important characteristics
of a proficient counselor. You must be able to
pick up on verbal and non-verbal cues when in
direct conversation with students. This will
ensure that you can guide them in the best
possible manner.
4 Education As with any other profession, this
job also requires at least a Bachelors degree in
Psychology, Social Work, or Counseling. Generally
speaking, a masters increases your chances of
being employed at a good institution and also for
getting a higher salary. Training You will
need full classroom training followed by an
internship or mentorship.
5 High Professional Ethics Standards
Considering that a person in a position like this
who will be in constant contact with students,
sometimes even acting as a friend, it is
important that you draw clear boundaries between
yourself and the student. Larrie Hermans says
that this is one of the most undermined aspects
of this job.
6 Understanding Compassionate Last but not
least, you need to be trustworthy and reliable so
that the students can look to you for guidance
and assistance.
7Thank You Larrie Hermans