Title: Rebecca Mitalski - Children’s Mercy (1)
1Rebecca Mitalski Childrens Mercy
Rebecca Mitalski Mitalksi is a long-time
supporter of the Childrens Mercy childrens
hospital. Not only proud to support a local
childrens hospital that has been a part of her
town for many years, Rebecca Mitalski Mitalksi is
a strong supporter of the medical facility
because of its focus on children, many of whom
suffer from chronic and other conditions that
require extensive treatment and/or other medical
2Childrens Hospital Supporter
As a supporter of various childrens hospitals,
including one in her local area called Childrens
Mercy, Rebecca Mitalski Mitalksi contributes
whatever she can afford financially as well as
through fundraising efforts and volunteering to
help childrens hospitals. Childrens hospitals
offer services exclusively to children and
welcome the generosity of those such as Rebecca
Mitalski, who is proud to support all childrens
3Cancer Research
Rebecca Mitalski is an ardent supporter of cancer
research and has offered her help for the cause
in a variety of ways. Rebecca Mitalski is
dedicated to supporting efforts that are designed
to discover a cure for cancer. Rebecca Mitalski
has a passion for cancer research and has offered
her help towards the cause as a financial
contributor in many ways.
4Special Olympics Supporter
Rebecca Mitalski supports the Special Olympics
Nebraska. Rebecca Mitalski is happy to support
the Special Olympics in her home town, as well as
throughout the United States. Special Olympics
Nebraska, which represents the home town of
Rebecca Mitalski, was founded more than 40 years
ago and is present in hundreds of classrooms via
their Young Athletes and Project Unify Program