Title: School Bullying: Three Levels of Prevention / Intervention
1School BullyingThree Levels ofPrevention /
- Dr. Tommy Turner
- Dr. Nancy Fox
- Dr. Jerry Kiser
- ALCA, November 2006
- Mobile, Alabama
Bullying - A student is being bullied or
victimized when he/she is exposed repeatedly over
time to negative actions on the part of one or
more students.
3Bullying - A special type of peer interaction in
which a powerful classmate repeatedly
intimidates, exploits, and/or victimizes a weaker
4Bullying (Three Elements) 1. The bully exhibits
behavior directed toward the victim that is
designed to hurt, harm or damage the victim
physically, emotionally, and/or socially. 2.
This behavior occurs when there is an imbalance
of power/authority between the bully and victim
(physical size, social status). 3. Happens
repeatedly over time.
5-10 of students repeatedly bully peers 81
males / 72 females report being bullied at least
once during their K-12 school years 35-45 of
parents with school aged children reported
feeling fear for their childs safety when the
child is at school
Norway 1982 Three boys commit suicide as a
result of severe bullying by peers ______________
________________________ Professor Dan Olweus
responds to this tragedy by developing /
implementing the Olweus Bullying Prevention
Program in 1983.
Examples that are similar to what happened in
8JAMES KEARBEY (KANSAS, 1985) Age 14 Killed 3
students, Principal Bullied, beaten by the
students for several years. Arrested (Final
disposition unknown)
9NATHAN FARIS (MISSOURI, 1987) Age 12 Killed the
classmate who teased him about being fat Shot /
Killed himself
14 Killed 2 students, 1 teacher One of the
students killed had teased him Life in prison
(without parole)
11MICHAEL CARNEAL (KENTUCKY, 1997) Age 14 Killed
3 students, wounded 5 Michael was small and
pudgy, the frequent victim of bullying Life in
prison (without parole)
12LUKE WOODHAM (MISSISSIPPI, 1997) Age 16 Killed
his mother went to school and killed 2 students,
wounded 7 Victim of bullying, stated he could
not take it anymore. Life in prison I killed
because people like me are mistreated every day -
and nobody does anything. I did this to show
society push us and we will push back.
17 / 18 Columbine High School. Killed 12
students, 1 teacher, wounded 23 students Did not
fit in. Influenced by videos / movies Killed
1. INDIVIDUAL (STUDENT) Gender Intelligenc
e Temperament / Personality Personal Values
152. FAMILY Family Structure Size of
Family Socio-Economic Status Parenting
Style Attitude / Involvement
Regarding Education Attitude /
Involvement In Criminal Behavior
163. SCHOOL Building (Old, New) Building
Maintained Size of Classrooms Student
Teacher Ratio Qualified Teaching
Personnel School / Classroom Rules Student
174. COMMUNITY Urban, Rural Socio-Economic
Status Level of Public Services Level of
185. CULTURE Television Films Music Boo
ks Video Games
- Bully
- Victim
- Bully as Victim
- Bystander
20What is a Bully?
- Someone who deliberately intimidates, threatens,
and/or hurts others repetitively over a period of
time. - Verbal, written or physical aggression
- Physical aggression
- Rumor spreading
- Teasing
- Practical jokes
- Exhortation
22The Bully
- Strong desire to hurt others
- Exercise an unjust use of power
- Seize a power imbalance
- Personally stronger (physically or socially) than
the victim(s) - Assemble a group that is stronger than the victim
23Types of Bullies
- Extrovert
- Outgoing
- Aggressive
- Expressive
- Introvert
- Hide
- Control
- Conform
24Bully Profile
- Attention Seeker
- Usually more popular
- Less likely to empathize with victim
- Less likely to understand others points of view
25Bully Profile
- Self-important
- Often comes from a family that uses harsh
discipline - Often have parents that verbally abuse each other
- Wants revenge and it doesnt matter from whom
they get revenge - Often jealous of others
- Gender not just boys, girls bully too
26Bully Profile
- Enjoys control over others
- Establishes a power base by testing response of
less powerful members of group watches how they
react when small things happen - Waits to see if the victim will complain. If the
victim doesnt complain and the peer group allows
the behavior, the bullying will continue
27Victim Profile
- Passive Victim
- Provocative Victim
28Passive Victim
- Usually weaker and smaller than bullies, more
helpless - Less able to defend themselves
- May be different and stands out appearance,
dress, speech, gender, name, ability, etc. - Vulnerable
- May lack social skills
- May be shy, lonely, or depressed
- May be anxious and insecure
- May be characterized as over-protected
- Often blame themselves and believe the bullying
is their fault - Yields easily to bullying
29Passive Victim Reactions
- Fear petrified
- Depression
- Zombie-like appearance
- Wildly-emotional appearance
- Escapes
- Seeks help
30Provocative Victim
- Usually difficult to recognize
- Annoy others with teasing
- irritating behaviors - dont know when enough is
enough - Fight back - but lose in the end
- May have nasty habits
- May be fidgety or nervous
- May be easily aroused emotionally
- Tend to make others feel they deserve it
- May be disliked by adults
31Provocative Victim Reactions
- Fights back
- Physically
- Verbally
- Acts cool
- Distracts
- Amuses or placates the bully
32Bully Victim Profile
- Bullied by others
- Turns the experience around and bullies someone
weaker than themselves - Common Parenting Characteristics
- Poor parental warmth
- Abusive and inconsistent discipline and
monitoring - Neglect
- View mothers a relatively powerless
33Bystander Profile
- Outsiders - Ignore the bully
- Assistants - Support the bully
- Reinforcers Join in and also bully the victim
- Defenders - Stick up for the victim
- Gophers - Get help for the victim
34What Can Be Done?
- Three Levels Of Intervention
- 1- At the school level
- 2- At the classroom level
- 3- At the individual level
- The bully
- The victim
35What DOESNT Work
- Zero Tolerance policies
- Peer Mediation/Conflict resolution
- Group Treatment for Bullies
- Simple, Short-term solutions
36School Level Intervention/Prevention
- Conduct a bullying survey (Stan Davis-
http//www.stopbullyingnow.com) - In-Service education about behaviors, responses,
resources - Increased supervision
37School Level Intervention/Prevention
- Coordination Group administrator, grade level
teachers, counselor, psychologist/nurse,
parent/student representatives - Regular meetings with parents and school staff
- Agenda item at PTO/PTA meetings
38Classroom Level
- Enlarged curriculum anger management, conflict
resolution, communication, cooperation,
friendship, kindness, diversity - Class rules brief clear (Olweus)
39Classroom (cont.)
- Rules (cont.)
- We will not bully other students.
- We will try to help students who are bullied.
- We will include students who might be left out.
40Classroom (cont.)
- Immediate consequences for aggressive behavior/
rewards for inclusive behavior - Weekly communication with students to clarify and
reiterate/ to enlist them in prevention - Communication with parents
41Individual Intervention
- Serious private talks with bully/victim
- Serious talks with parents
- Role playing non-aggressive behaviors
- Role playing assertive behavior
42Prevention/Intervention Summary
- Comprehensive system-group-individual
- Coordinated School Adults, parents, students
- Clear clear values/moral stand
- Continuing Not reactionary
43(No Transcript)