Title: Get Past Your Current Marriage Crisis
17 Steps to Tackle a Marriage Crisis
- Recognizing theres a problem.
- Awareness that you both have valid concerns.
- Recognize the good points in each other.
- Remember what brought you together.
- Get back to basics.
- Outline your action plan.
- The three variables to success
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21. Help Theres a Problem!
- You are here reading this so you have the
wherewithal to know things are off center in your
relationship. Believe it or not, this act alone
will help you reform the balance between you and
your spouse. - A lot of times, you can become so immersed in
the day to day routine, that marital problems
become gradual in nature. - However, if you are experiencing a true crisis
by definition, its possible your problem is
abrupt and startling.
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32. You Are Both Right
It is absolutely natural to feel you are the one
in the right when you argue with your partner.
This is not true. You are both right and have
valid view points and its important to recognize
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43. Good Qualities in Yourself Your Partner
Here are some words to help you brainstorm,
choose what is relevant good sense of humor,
kind hearted, thoughtful, generous, organized,
time-keeper, loyal, confident, faithful, mature,
thrifty or charitable. This list is far from
exhaustive and Im sure you can think of many
others that apply to you or your partner.
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54. What Brought You Together?
- On the back of the piece of paper or on a
separate sheet write down as much as you can
remember about when you met, where you met and
the typical things you did as your relationship
grew - the good old days.
This is important and vital to tackling your
marriage crisis. What has really changed?
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65. Back to Basics
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76. The Action Plan
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87. Your Three Basic Variables
- Event - the setting for your date
- Action - the content of your time
- Outcome realistic expectation
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