Title: Imad Mahawili
1Imad Mahawili
Founder and CTO of Windtronics
Address 380 West Western Suite 301 Muskegon, MI,
49440, USA
2PhD in Chemical Engineering
Imad Mahawili was identified as a high achieving
student while growing up in Baghdad in the 1950s.
Imad Mahawili scored so well on Iraqi national
exams that he was selected to attend a
prestigious international school run by Jesuit
priests affiliated with Boston College. Imad
Mahawili was then able to pursue university
studies at the Imperial College of London, UK.
3From Baghdad
Imad Mahawili is a Doctor of Chemical
Engineering. Imad Mahawili was the son of an
Iraqi bureaucrat and grew up in Baghdad in the
1950s. Imad Mahawili was a high achieving student
and was selected to attend a prestigious
international school in Baghdad. Imad Mahawili
pursued his university studies in the UK and his
professional career in the US. Imad Mahawili
began working at the E.I. du Pont de Nemours
Company in 1974.
to London
to the USA
Imad Mahawili
4Launched New Company and New Technology
Serial entrepreneur and Doctor in chemical
engineering, Imad Mahawili has founded a new
company that is active in the renewable energy
field. In January 2014, Imad Mahawili presented
XEnergys first product innovation, the XT9000.