Title: Memory-Techniques-Training
Memory Techniques
2Books -gt Memory Techniques -gtStudent Books
Memory Techniques Books We publish Memory techniques Books. It is a scientific course specially designed for children to enhance their academic performance, memory, creativity, communication skills etc., The benefit of this course is to make the children to face their examination without any fear and stress. It improves their confidence and self-esteem.No. of Levels2 Cost of Each Book Rs.50 No. of Books2 Complete set Rs.100 We make extraordinary Memory Techniques student books for every child to get proper opportunity to get the benefits out of Memory techniques learning.We supply on regular basis so that you run your business for long-term FREE from ROYALTIES and other restrictions.We also offer special feature of supplying these materials with your training centre LOGO and Address printed on the respective material to bring that personalized touch.You can ask us for these Kits in a bundle of 10 sets or 25 sets or 50 sets or 100 sets. Memory Techniques Teacher Training The Main topics areMemory techniques Mind Mapping Speed Writing Time Management Learning Skills Handwriting etc Duration6 Months, weekly one class of two hours each (or) two classes of 1 hour each.
3Teacher Manuals(Hindi,English,Tamil)
Teacher Manuals(Hindi,English,Tamil) CODE Memory Technique Teacher Manual
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