Title: An introduction to Apache Cloud Stack
1Apache Cloud Stack
- What is it ?
- Details
- Architecture
- Interfaces
- History
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2Apache Cloud Stack What is it ?
- An open source cloud computing system
- Currently under Apache 2 license
- Used for infrastructure cloud services
- Is virtualisation agnostic i.e.
- Can use KVM, VMWare ..
- Designed for large networks
- Designed for high availability
www.semtech-solutions.co.nz info_at_semtech-solutions
3Apache Cloud Stack Details
- Offers the entire feature stack
- Infrastructure as a service
- Network as a service
- Account management
- Native API
- Good UI
- Supports many hypervisors
www.semtech-solutions.co.nz info_at_semtech-solutions
4Cloud Stack - Architecture
www.semtech-solutions.co.nz info_at_semtech-solutions
5Apache Cloud Stack Interfaces
- Web interface
- Command line
- For hybrid cloud support
www.semtech-solutions.co.nz info_at_semtech-solutions
6Cloud Stack - Architecture
www.semtech-solutions.co.nz info_at_semtech-solutions
7Apache Cloud Stack History
- Developed by Cloud.com as VMOps (2010)?
- Released via GNU license
- Citrix purchased Cloud.com (2011)?
- Donated to Apache (2012)?
- Released under Apache V2 license
- Graduates from Apache incubator (2013)?
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8Contact Us
- Feel free to contact us at
- www.semtech-solutions.co.nz
- info_at_semtech-solutions.co.nz
- We offer IT project consultancy
- We are happy to hear about your problems
- You can just pay for those hours that you need
- To solve your problems