Title: Observations of Zodiacal Dust
1?????Observations of Zodiacal Dust
- Munetaka UENO (U Tokyo)
- Masateru ISHIGURO (UH), Fumihiko USUI
(ISAS/JAXA), - Suk-Minn KWON (Kwanwon U), Tadashi MUKAI (Kobe U)
- Kazuhiro SEKIGUCHI, Akihiko MIYASHITA, Masao
2Introduction--- What is zodiacal light? ---
- Scattered light by interplanetary dust
- Zodiacal light
- Leading / Trailing side
- The gegenschein
- a faint spot of light in the sky, diametrically
opposite Sun (backscattering) - Interplanetary dust cannot stay long under
Poynting-Robertson Drag - It requires continuous supplies of the
interplanetary dust - Very basic studies for future observations
- Recent possibility to observe zodiacal light of
extra-solar planetary system - To know Star Planets Dust clouds -- system
3Introduction--- Zodiacal light observations
- Zodiacal light is VERY extended and very FAINT
- Hard to observe precisely
- Influences of atmospheric scattered light,
airglow, star light and etc. make data reduction
very hard and comprehensive - Waiting for the NEW instrument which gives us a
break-through of ZL observations - ---gt WIZARD
4Development of WIZARD--- What's new? ---
- Large FOV and good spatial resolution
- To cover the ZL and dark sky simultaneously
- High spatial resolution to remove the star light
- Very high sensitivity
- Excellent image quality
- Stability of DC level (zero level)
- Airglow suppression filter
5WIZARD overview
6WIZARD overview 2
8WIZARD Optics
9Airglow suppression filter
10Control system
11Observations at MaunaKea
- Date
- Feb. 18-26, 2001 (RD and Final check)
- Mar. 19-28, 2001 (First light and test
observations) - Mar. 8-18, 2002 (Observations)
- Feb. 28 - Mar. 3, 2003 (Observations)
- Aug. 21-28, 2003 (Observations)
- Oct. 25-28, 2003 (Bad weather)
- Site
- SUBARU site (near the large entrance) - Mar. 2003
- Backyard of IRTF Aug. 2003 -
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15Milky way
16Observation coverage
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18Data reduction
Raw data
Dark, flat operation Vignetting, Point source
Integrated flux of stars by Pioneer 10/11
Uncalibrated Data
Photometric calibrations using the point
sources Extinction for extended source
Zodiacal Light flux
Airglow subtraction
Calibrated data
Star light subtraction
Zodiacal light subtraction Using 3D zodiacal
light model
Airglow flux
Fitting operation of night light and
atmospheric scattered light using Van Rhjin model
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21Brightness Distributionalong the ecliptic
Below the horizon
Galactic plane
Anti-solar point
Intensity (S10)
l- lsun ()
22Kelsall model (i2.03, O77.7) Hongs
scattering function
i4.0, O77.7 modified scattering function
23Scattering phase function derived by our
data with numerical model (Hong 1985)
- Coherent back-scattering of the dust surface must
be a dominant mechanism for the bright spot of
the gegenschein (suggesting large and fractal
dust is leading the opposition effect) - Symmetric plane of the zodiacal dust cloud is
different from 3D model derived by COBE data
(suggesting distribution of smaller dusts are
different from the large one) - Lots of fine structure (Dust bands of asteroids)
in zodiacal light are detected