Title: Red River Valley Association
1Red River Valley Association
U.S. Department of Agriculture Natural Resources
Conservation Service
- Annual Meeting
- Bossier City, Louisiana
- February 19, 2009
Kevin D. Norton Louisiana State Conservationist
Ron Hilliard - Oklahoma State Conservationist 100
USDA, Suite 206 Stillwater, OK 74074 Phone
(405) 742-1204 Email ron.hilliard_at_ok.usda.gov
Kalven Trice Arkansas State Conservationist Room
3416 Federal Office Building 700 West Little
Rock, AR 72201 Phone (501) 301-3100 Email
- 2008 Conservation Accomplishments
- Farm Bill
- Stimulus Funding
Don Gohmert - Texas State Conservationist 101
South Main Street Temple, TX 7651 Phone (254)
742-9800 Email don.gohmert_at_tx.usda.gov
Kevin Norton - Louisiana State Conservationist 373
7 Government Street Alexandria, LA 71302 Phone
(318) 473-7751 Email kevin.norton_at_la.usda.gov
- Environmental Quality Incentives Program
- Brush Management 74,000 ac.
- Irrigation Water Mgmt. 16,000 ac.
- Nutrient Management 73,000 ac.
- Pasture/Hay Planting 34,000 ac.
- Prescribed Grazing 211,000 ac.
- Wildlife Habitat Incentives Program
- Wildlife Habitat Management 8,000 ac.
- Prescribed Burning 4,000 ac.
- Tree/Shrub Establishment 50 ac.
- Wetland Restoration 5,200 ac.
- Wildlife Habitat Mgmt-7,400 ac.
- Tree/shrub Establishment 5,800 ac.
- Grassland Reserve Program
- Pasture/Hay Planting 130 ac.
- Wildlife Habitat Mgmt. 1200 ac.
82008 Farm Bill
92002 Farm Bill Highlights
- Over 250 million acres brought
under conservation contract or easement - Over 2.7 million conservation practices planned
or applied through EQIP, AMA, WHIP, and CSP
102008 Farm Bill Highlights (Became Law on June 18,
- Increases funding authorization for
- conservation programs ( 4.2 billion increase)
- Focuses on agricultural and forestry working
lands - Recognizes agricultural production and
- conservation as compatible goals
- Grants new authorities
- Modifies Adjusted Gross Income (AGI) limits
- Adds/Modifies conservation payment limits
- Expands outreach opportunities
11Actual and Forecast Conservation Program
Expenditures FY 1996-2012
12Hold the presses.Authorized funding does not
always equal appropriated or apportioned funding
- From FYs 2002 through 2007, funding for NRCS
conservation programs was 2.23 billion dollars
below authorized levels. - In FY 2007, the NRCS conservation programs were
limited to 71.7 of their authorized funding
13FY 2007 as an example of funding limits
14Programs Reauthorized
- Small Watershed Rehabilitation Program
- Reauthorized through 2012
- Authorizes 100 million in mandatory funding in
2009 to be available until expended - Great Lakes Basin Program for Soil Erosion and
Sediment Control - Conservation of Private Grazing Land
- Resource Conservation Development
- Program
15Enhanced Opportunities for Partnership Action on
a Geographic/Watershed Scale
- Cooperative Conservation Partnership Initiative
(CCPI) to allow partners to help identify
conservation areas/issues - Directs 6 percent of funds or acres in EQIP,
WHIP, and CStP for targeted conservation
activities and acres - Projects will be selected through a competitive
process of applications submitted by partners - Projects will be implemented through existing
program authorities and procedures, including
producer contracts - Funds and acres are directed at the State level
- (90 percent) and nationally (10 percent)
16Enhanced Opportunities for Partnership Action on
a Geographic/Watershed Scale
- Agricultural Water Enhancement Program (AWEP)
- Provides option for partnership agreements on a
regional basis - Offers EQIP financial and technical assistance to
assist farmers and ranchers implement
conservation practices for agricultural water
conservation and water quality enhancement
activities - Contracts may be entered into directly with
producers to carry out agricultural water
enhancement activities, or - Contracts may be entered into directly with
producers identified through partnership
agreements developed with entities to carry out
agricultural water enhancement activities on a
regional basis
17State Technical Committees
- Extended FACA exemptions to Local Working Groups
- Reduced the required invitee list to
- NRCS, FSA, Forest Service, National Institute of
Food and Agriculture, State fish and wildlife
agency, State forester or equivalent state
official, State water resources agency, State
department of agriculture, State association of
soil and water conservation districts,
agricultural producers, owners of nonindustrial
private forestland, non profit organizations, and
agribusiness - Requires the publication of Standard Operating
Procedures for the Committee
18Adjusted Gross Income Limitation
- Limits conservation benefits to persons or legal
entities with average non-farm AGI less than
1,000,000, unless 2/3 of the average total AGI
is from farming, ranching, or forestry - This limit is reduced from the previous 2.5
million limit - The limitation may be waived on a case-by-case
basis if - Environmentally sensitive land of special
significance would be protected - Availability of AGI and Direct Attribution
software will affect conservation program
delivery. - AGI Limitation web-service is expected in
February 2009 - Direct Attribution development is not likely to
be completed until spring 2009.
19Historically Underserved Participants
- Applicable to EQIP, CStP, WHIP, AMA, AWEP
- Includes
- Socially Disadvantaged Farmer/Rancher
- Beginning Farmer/Rancher
- Limited Resource Producer
- Indian Tribes
- Socially Disadvantaged and Beginning Farmers and
Ranchers, and Limited Resource Producers - Common definitions within programs and across
agencies - Payment rates 25, not to exceed 90
- Advance up to 30 for EQIP
- 5 funding set-aside for each group in EQIP
- 5 acreage set-aside for each group in CSP
20Rulemaking and Policy Products
- Statute and Managers Report
- Preamble
- Rule
- Supporting Analysis
- Civil Rights Impact Analysis
- Benefit/Cost Analysis
- Environmental Assessment
- Agency program policy
- Agency program procedures
21Public Comments Rulemaking
- Receiving public comment letters prior to the
official comment period comments serve as input
for rules - Will receive official public comments following
the publication of rules in the Federal Register - These comments must be officially responded to in
the Final Rule - Made part of the administrative record and
publically available - Encourage public participation in writing through
the public comment process - Mail, Fax, Email, or
- www.regulations.gov
222008 NRCS Farm Bill Conservation
Programs (Interim Final Rules Comment Period
- Grasslands Reserve Program (comment period closes
March 23) - Farm and Ranch Lands Protection Program (comment
period closes March 17) - Technical Service Provider (comment period
closes March 17) - Wildlife Habitat Incentive Program (comment
period closes March 17) - Environmental Quality Incentives Program
(comment period closes March 16) - Wetland Reserve Program (comment period closes
March 16) - The Regional Equity Interim Final Rule (comment
period closes March 16) - Agricultural Management Assistance Program
(comment period closed) - State Technical Committees (comment period
closes March 26) - Agricultural Water Enhancement Program (comment
period closes March 16) - Healthy Forest Reserve Program (comment period
closed) - Conservation Stewardship Program (interim final
rule not posted)
23Websites for Posting of Rules
- All rules and notices on the NRCS Farm Bill
website http//www.nrcs.usda.gov/programs/farmbil
l/2008/index.html - All regulations and electronic comments are
posted on http//www.regulations.gov/search/index
.jsp - Standard Publications under the Federal Register
- http//www.gpoaccess.gov/fr/index.html
24Stimulus Funding
- Watershed Rehabilitation - 50 Million
- Watershed Operations - 290 Million of which 145
Million for Floodplain Easements - Funds Available for Obligation Until September
30, 2010
25Watershed Rehabilitation
- 11,000 NRCS dams
- constructed in the US
- Over 4,000 of these in
- the Red River Valley
- 1,020 will reach the 50yr
- life span in the next 10yrs
FY 09/Stimulus Funding
- Arkansas 1 Structure
- Louisiana 2 Assessments
- Oklahoma 13 Structures
- Texas - 0
27Watershed Flood Prevention Operations
- Arkansas 2 Dams (Ozan Creek)
- Louisiana 1 Irrigation Project (Red Bayou)
- Oklahoma 8 Dams (Washita Basin)
- Texas 2 Grade Stabilization Structures
(Choctaw Creek)