Title: Nuclear Engineering
1Nuclear Engineering
2Course Particulars
- MWF 900 950
- C104, Radiation Center
- Kathryn Higley (7-0675 RC E122 lead
instructor) higley_at_ne.orst.edu - Craig Marianno (7-2343 RC E118 GTA)
craiger_at_engr.orst.edu - Text available at
- http//www.engr.orst.edu/classes/ne/ne112/
- Supplemental handouts provided
3Winter Schedule of Topics
Chapter Date Topic Instructor 1 1 /
5 Introduction, Nuclear and Atomic
Structure Higley 2 1 / 7 Nature of
Radiation Higley 3 1 / 10 Experimental
Design Higley 4 1 / 12 Experimental Design,
continued Higley 4 1 / 14 Sources of
Radiation Higley 4 1 / 17
Holiday 5 1 / 19 Computer Applications
Spreadsheets Palmer 5 1 / 21 Computer
Applications Word Processing Palmer 6 1 /
24 Biological Effects of Radiation
Exposure Hamby 1 / 26
Review Higley 1 / 28
Examination Higley
4Winter Schedule of Topics, continued
Chapter Date Topic Instructor 7 1
/31 Radiation Detection Hamby 8 2 /
2 Applications of Radiation and
Radioisotopes Binney 8 2 / 4 Application of
Radiation and Radioisotopes Binney 7 2 /
7 Radiation Shielding Klein 7 2 / 9 Radiation
Dosimetry Klein 2 /11 Review Higley 9
2 /14 Radiation Protection Standards Higley 2
/16 Review Higley 2 /18
Examination Higley
5Winter Schedule of Topics, continued
Chapter Date Topic Instructor 10 2
/21 Nuclear Fuel Cycle Reese 10 2 /23 High
Level Wastes Ringle 10 2 /25 Low Level
Wastes Ringle 9 2 /28 Probabilistic Risk
Assessment Reyes 9 3 / 1 Rules, Regulations
Reyes 3 / 3 Review Higley 11 3/
6 Information Sources Wu 12 3 / 8 Health
Physics Nuclear Engineering Careers Wu 3
/10 Bean Seed Results Review Higley 3/16
Final Exam, 2 pm 4 pm, C104 Higley
6Introduction Course Learning Objectives
- Where were going
- Gain a basic understanding of radiation
- how it interacts in matter,
- how it is produced, and
- how it is regulated.
- Develop an appreciation for
- tools needed to measure radiation
- techniques used to describe its effects.
7Learning Objectives, continued
- Understand and use computers
- to analyze data,
- prepare laboratory reports,
- and search for information
- How were getting there
- Understand your obligations
- Know what is expected
- Learn how to access course materials
- Grades
- Homework 35
- Exams 50
- Project 15
- Attendance
- Not mandatory
- Youre responsible for missed material
- Be on time
- Homework
- Due by 5 pm on the day it is due
9Chapter 1 Review
- Objectives for today, know the following
- The one-size-fits-all universal equation
- Basic components of an atom
- Layout of the Chart of the Nuclides
10Universal Equation
- Describes exponential behavior
- Applies to many nuclear radiation related
problems - Learn to recognize the form(s) and youll know
how to manipulate the equation to get the answer
11The one-size fits all equation
And many more.
12Definition of terms symbols
- N0 Initial number of atoms
- N Final number of atoms
- ?
- Greek lowercase lambda
- Decay constant (units time-1)
- t Elapsed time
- Equation describes how number of atoms decrease
over time due to radioactive decay
13Definition of terms symbols, continued
- A0 Initial activity (e.g., Ci, Bq, dpm)
- A Final activity
- ? Same as before
- t Same as before
- Equation describes how activity of a sample
decreases over time due to radioactive decay
14Definition of terms symbols, continued
- I0 Initial intensity (e.g., photons/s)
- I Final intensity
- ?
- Greek, lowercase mu
- Attenuation constant (units, distance-1)
- x thickness of material, (cm, m,..)
- Equation describes how intensity of a photon beam
decreases (due to absorption and scatter) as the
beam passes through material
15Behavior of Exponential Functions
Linear plot
Semi-log plot
ln (N0)
ln N
t, x, or Z
t, x, or Z
16Exponential Functions
- Apply to many nuclear problems
- Behave in similar fashion
- Units of variables may be different!
- Time,
- 1/Time
- Distance
- 1/Distance
17Basic Components of the Atom
- Nuclear Components
- Neutron
- Proton
- Electron
- Atomic Components
- Electron Orbitals
- More will come in the next lecture on nuclear and
atomic structure.
18Atomic Structure
- Atomic orbitals
- Â Neutron
- Â Proton
- Â Electron
19Electronic Orbitals
- X-rays
- UV and Visible Light
- Chemical Reactions
- Covalent bonds
- Ionic bonds
- Quantized states
- Fixed energy levels
- Specific to each element
20The Chart of the Nuclides
- Still available
- See Dr. Klein
- A portable resource
- Known elements
- Stable and radioactive forms
- Periodic table
- Brief description of nuclear properties
- Conversion tables!
21Chart of the Nuclides
22Chart Information
23Chart Information, contd
24Chart Information, contd
25Chart Information, contd
- Schedule of classes
- Course Expectations
- The one-size-fits-all universal equation
- Basic components of an atom
- Layout of the Chart of the Nuclides