Holly Lewis, PGWA - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Holly Lewis, PGWA


Break the Ice when a group is first starting to work together ... demonstrate how difficult it is to break into a new group, especially when you are different. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Holly Lewis, PGWA

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Holly Lewis, PGWA Educational Diagnostician Tiff
any Thornton, PGWA
Pre-Adolescent Therapist
Our Night Together
  • The activities are similar to what is used and
    has been used at the Girls Leadership Retreat
  • These activities and this PowerPoint have been
    designed for easy use with your girls!
  • Some of the activities tonight will involve
    active participation
  • Please join the activities at your comfort level
  • Enjoy Have Fun

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Objective Break the Ice when a group is first
starting to work together Energize the group to
participate in the group activities.
Procedure The leaders will call out a letter
Everyone in the room will look in their purse o
r bag for one item that starts with that letter
The first person to bring that item to the front
of the room wins a prize
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Objective To help people learn each others nam
es To energize the group To get better acquain
ted with each other Advanced Preparation Arr
ange chairs in a circle with one less chair than
the number of girls Ask people to wear their nam
e tags where they can be easily seen
Procedure This is an opportunity to have fun
and get acquainted. Have everyone sit on a cha
ir in a circle (make sure there are NO vacant
chairs in the circle). One person is it. That
it person stands in the center of the circle
It approaches anyone in the circle and says
hello ______(name of the person she approaches).
Do you know your neighbors? The person res
ponds yes, I know _________ and __________
(names of the people on her left and right)
and Id also like to know people
who__________.(and make some descriptive
characteristics such as people who are wearing
jeans or people who like to play tennis or people
who like to hug, etc. Everyone with the charac
teristic named must get up and change chairs.
It tries to get a chair too.
The person left without a chair becomes It
Processing What was the purpose of this acti
vity? How did it feel to be in the middle trying
to get into a chair? How can this activity be
utilized when you are working with your assembly?
What skills did you use in order to make this a
ctivity work?
Objective A Great way to learn more about our
friends Begin thinking about goals for the weeke
nd Process Everyone will sit/stand in a ci
rcle all facing each other Toss the nerf ball ar
ound the circle to each person
When the ball is tossed to you, you will answer
with What you hope to achieve this weekend
Objective Learn how negativity can bring down
a whole group Procedure Blow up a Balloon W
rite both positive team and personal
characteristics on the balloon with the sharpie
marker Put your balloon in the trash bag tie t
he bag closed Predict how many times in 30 secon
ds you can bump the bag around the circle
without hitting the ground Begin to bump the bag
Talk about how easy or difficult it was to keep
the bag in the air The Leader will give your gr
oup a red balloon Write on the balloon all the n
egative characteristics that hinder a team
Add your red balloon to the bag
Predict how many times in 30 seconds you can
bump the bag around the circle without hitting
the ground. Begin to bump the bag Process H
ow easy or difficult was it to keep the bag in
the air with the red balloon What can we learn f
rom this activity when we work in Rainbow?
Objective To recognized how each of us as indiv
iduals come together to make a great team
Procedure Each person will be given a puzzle
piece Design your puzzle piece to represent you
and your unique qualities Put your puzzle piece
together with those in your group
Process What is the reason for this activity
? Why is it important for us to know ourselves
as individuals and as a team?
Scavenger Hunt Switch
Objective To make decisions as a group and to
work together on a team project
Procedure Divide the group into teams with fiv
e or more people on each team Make a list of ten
items that could be found on a scavenger hunt in
this room After your list has 10 items, please g
ive to the leaders Each team will then be given
another teams list The teams will attempt to fi
nd the items on their new list
After the time is up, show which items each team
was able to find Process Did everyone on your
team give input when making the list?
What role did each person from your team take on
during the activity? Why is it important to be a
ble to make decisions when in a group situation?
What can you do to help a group make decisions
Glory Story
Objective To increase self-esteem by recognizi
ng positive traits in others and by hearing pos
itive things about ourselves To learn to work to
gether as a team to complete the activity
Procedure Divide the group into six to ten par
ticipants each Assign each group to one of the o
ther groups Write down all the names of the peo
ple in the other group Write a story that includ
es all of the members of the other group as the
characters, using the positive traits, strong
points and assets each has Read the stories once
everyone is done Process Were you surprised
by any of the attributes that the other group
gave to your character? How can you use your st
rong points to improve the life that you live and
to make your own character into what you
really want for yourself?
Objective Demonstrates members individuality of
the group and the ties that bind them into a
group Procedure Everyone forms a circle facin
g each other One person holds one end of a skein
of yarn That person tells one of their favorite
things about Rainbow and then throws the skein
of yarn to another person in the circle
This repeats until everyone in the circle has
shared and has a piece of the yarn
Process What did you see once everyone had shar
ed? What is the importance of bring in your indi
viduality to the group?
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Scavenger Hunt
Get Acquainted Bingo
People Dolls Activity
Purpose To help the girls learn more about the
mselves and other members in the group
Procedure Pass out a copy of the People Doll w
orksheet (the outline of a person) to each girl
Explain that you are going to read a statement,
and they are going to write their response
in the appropriate location on the People Doll
worksheet An example Please list the title of
your movies They would then write the names of
their favorite movies where the eyes are located
on the worksheet Continue until all statements h
ave been read, and the students have finished
recording their responses Collect all the worksh
eets Now begin reading all of the responses and
give the group an opportunity to match each
worksheet with the person who wrote the answer
Continue until all of the worksheets have been
read Body Part Description Eyes 2 favorit
e movies/ TV shows, and 2 things you hate to see
Ears 2 favorite songs/ musical pieces Heart
Someone who cares about you Mouth Favorite foo
d/snack Ankles 2 weaknesses/ what would you lik
e to work on Shoulders strengths/ what you are
proud of Stomach 1 think that upsets you Arms
2 people you like to hug Nose Favorite smell
Knees 2 people you would bend over backwards f
or Head Something that is constantly on your mi
nd where would you like to go?
Hands 2 times youve been helpful
Bellybutton What pushes your buttons
Under your Arms What really stinks
Heart Who do you love Neck Who is a pain in t
he neck a symbol around the neck that
represents you Process What is the purpose
of this activity? How did it make you feel? Wh
at did you learn about the people sitting next to
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Rainbow Fruit Salad
Objective To get acquainted with others in the
group. To demonstrate acceptance in a group.
To demonstrate how difficult it is to break
into a new group, especially when you are
different. To encourage cooperation. Procedure
Ask for a volunteer from the group to be the
Fruit Salad Chef. Instruct the other members of
the group to choose a partner.
Each pair selects a particular type of fruit. Do
not reveal the chosen fruit to the Chef.
Encourage the pairs to think of unusual fruits.
Have the pairs form a circle around the chef
and sit down back to back. When the chef calls
out the name of a particular fruit, those pairs
who represent that fruit must stand up and
switch places. The Chef must attempt to occupy
one of the spaces just vacated.
Should the Chef be able to occupy the vacated
spot, then the person without a partner becomes
the Chef. The process begins again. If the
Chef after a number of attempts cant obtain a
partner, then the Chef may call out Rainbow
Fruit Salad. Each participant must find a new
partner. The Chef may grab a partner and the one
left is the new Chef. Begin the process again.
Process What is the purpose of this activity?
What skills did you learn from this activity?
How did it feel when you were excluded from the
group? What does this say about discrimination
of others? How can we use this in our work as Ra
inbow girls?
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  • This years retreat will be held
  • July 24th-26th, 2009
  • Location TBA
  • Please encourage your girls to attend!
  • Look for information and registration forms in
    the TRN coming soon!
  • We look forward to working with the girls in your

  • Past Grand Officers and Alumni Association
  • To join you have to be a Majority Member, Past
    Grand Officer, and/or Current Grand Officer
  • Dues to Join 10.00 which benefit the
  • Mrs. Pearl B. Mills Scholarship
  • For college students who have completed 30
    college hours and are continuing to pursuing
    their college dreams
  • Application is on the Texas Rainbow Website on
    the PGOAA page or by emailing Tiffany!

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Tony Chestnut Tony Chestnut knows I love you. T
ony knows. (Tony knows.)Tony Chestnut know I
love you. That's what Tony knows.
Tony, Tony and his sister Eileen. And Eileen
loves Neil and Neil loves Pat, but Pat still
loves Bob.And there's Russell and Skip. This
song is silly, but it's hip. How it ends, just
one man knows. And guess what, it's Tony Chestnut
Princess Pat The Princess Pat (Egyptian hand move
ment hips)?Lived in a tree (Arms up over
heads, making a tree bow)She sailed across (wave
hands over water)The seven seas (Seven fingers,
wave hands over water)?She sailed across (Repeat
hand wave over water)?the Channel too (thumb and
finger channel, two fingers)and she took with
her (sling bag over shoulder)?a rickabamboo
(hands wave down move hips)CHORUS A
rickabamboo (hands wave down)?Now what is that?
Its a something made? (move fists one on top of
the other)By the Princess Pat (repeat Egyptian
move)?Its a red and gold (hand on right
hip)?and a purple too (hand on left hip)?That's
why its called a rickabamboo (repeat
motion)Now Captain Jack (stand at Alert)?Had a
mighty fine crew (salute)?They sailed across the
channel too (as above)?but their ship sank (hold
noses and move body down)? and your's will too (p
oint out and finger two)?if you don't take
(sling bag over shoulder)?a rickabamboo (hands
wave down)(CHORUS)The Princess Pat, saw
Captain Jack. She reeled him in, and brought him
back. She saved his life, and his crew's too,
And do y know how?- with the rickabamboo!(CHORU
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