Title: The Virtual Observatory and its analysis tools
1The Virtual Observatory and its analysis tools
- towards virtual telescopes?
Miguel Cerviño (IAA-CSIC/SVO) Elena Terlevich
2What is VO?
- The Virtual Observatory will be a system that
allows astronomers to interrogate multiple data
centers in a seamless and transparent way, which
provides new powerful analysis and visualization
tools within that system, and which gives data
centers a standard framework for publishing and
delivering services using their data. This is
made possible by standardization of data and
metadata, by standardization of data exchange
methods, and by the use of a registry, which
lists available services and what can be done
with them.
Where is the system? Does it mean operative
system? NO, it means a working environment, just
like KDE, Gnome or Windows
but it says their data Does it mean using
analysis tools with data from different
machines and formats whatever the operating
system? YES!!
Uhmm, does it mean something like IRAF? But there
is a lot of software already.
Ok, so it is needed a standard more general than
FITS, since it should also include catalogs (but
including FITS that is already common in most
observatories)... and something that describes
the data themselves (metadata) and to
establish the communication between machines
and yellow-pages for search resources
The long term vision is not one of a fixed
specific software package, but rather one of a
framework which enables data centers to provide
competing and co-operating data services, and
which enables software providers to offer a
variety of compatible analysis and visualization
tools and user interfaces. The first priority
for the VO projects worldwide is to develop the
standardized framework, which will allow such
creative diversity.
International Virtual Observatory Alliance
Guidelines for Participation R. J. Hanisch and
P. J. Quinn 2003-07-01 http//www.ivoa.net/pub/in
3Why is VO needed?
- The amount of data is increasing exponentially
--gt Distributed databases (and interoperability
between databases)
The International Virtual Observatory R. J.
Hanisch et al. 2003 http//www.ivoa.net/pub/info/
4Why is VO needed (II)?
- Each data-service provides data in their own
format. As an example there are no universal
FITS headers. - Sometimes only the description of the data is
needed (you do not read a whole book before
buying it!) --gt A description of what the data
are becomes mandatory before using them - Physical inference requires comparing theory with
observations, but data and models are not in the
same format
How much time do you spend making drivers to
compare data with theory? How much time do you
spend writing software to do plots?
5IVOA (http//www.ivoa.net)
Applications, Theory
Build Tools to do Science
Create protocols for interoperability Registry,
DAL, VO query, Grid Web services
Take-up Standards Register Resources
Generate Databases in a standard format (images,
spectra, cataloges) VOTable, UCD, Semantics,
Data Model
Agree Build Standards Test Technologies
Euro VO P. Queen Workshop on VO Standards and
Systems for Data Centres and Large Projects 2005
7Working groups
http//www.ivoa.net ---gt Community
81st step Databases
92nd Interoperability
What is needed? 1.- To have a yellow pages
registry where data-bases can be found
IVOA task --gt it needs to be in the IVOA
framework --gt one (and
only one) national VO is needed for
each country 2.- To have
applications that uses the registered databases
(Applications only now that they will
retrieve VOTables using a given
protocol, but they do not know the content
a priori ---gt object oriented programs --gt
JAVA tools) 3.- Additional note Java programs
can use methods in other machines ---gt
VO provides large sets of methods --gt It is not
needed to repeat the work!!
102nd Interoperability (Applications)
11Plastic demostracion T. Boch (ADS) IVOA
Interoperability meeting 2006
12Plastic demostracion T. Boch (ADS) IVOA
Interoperability meeting 2006
13Plastic demostracion T. Boch (ADS) IVOA
Interoperability meeting 2006
14Plastic demostracion T. Boch (ADS) IVOA
Interoperability meeting 2006
15Plastic demostracion T. Boch (ADS) IVOA
Interoperability meeting 2006
163rd science
- The last step is the use of the VO by the science
community - It implies that the other two steps (Databases
and Interoperability) are ready. - It is not completely the case, but they are
almost ready and feedback from the community is
needed! - And some scientific cases can be yet addressed
17México in the VO
- Observatorio Virtual Solar
- http//www.astroscu.unam.mx/ia_cu/proyectos/ovs/in
dex.htm - Grupo de ciencia de observatorios virtuales del
INAOE - http//ov.inaoep.mx
- PGos3 (http//ov.inaoep.mx/pgos3/)
- Models of irradiated accretion disks around
pre-main sequence stars by D'Alessio et al.
(1998,1999,2001). - SVO (Spain), CRyA
- http//svo.laeff.esa.es/theory/db2vo/html/index.ph
183rd (science) stepsMexican VO - SVO theoretical
efforts PGos3
- ? PGos3 is a very valuable tool in the VO
context - 'Star Formation Histories in Galaxies' was the
extragalactic Science Case chosen for the
AVO-Demo 2005. This involves retrieving
multiwavelength datasets that are then compared
against stellar spectral evolution codes, to
enable information to be derived on galaxy star
formation histories.
Synthesis models in the VO E. Solano et al. IVOA
Interoperability meeting 2005
19An use case
? Comparison between the results given by
different grids of evolutionary synthesis models
(produced by different developers/groups) with
observational data. ? The model that best fit
for any parameter combination does not exist
(sed_at_, Starburst99 are optimized for young
populations Bruzual, Pegase for older
populations). ? Needed to assess the
reliability of the scientific conclusions
obtained from the models.
Synthesis models in the VO E. Solano et al. IVOA
Interoperability meeting 2005
20 21 22 23Nebular emission not modelized.
24 25Other use case
? The contribution of Star Forming Regions to the
Soft X-ray emission of Sy 2 galaxies ?
Inclusion of SSP models (including probabilistic
formulation by Cerviño, Luridiana,
Cerviño-Luridiana 2006, AA 451, 475) in the VO
? Inclusion of XXM-Newton data in the VO
M. Guinazzi et al. IAU Praga 2006
26VO and intrumental projects virtual telescopes?
- There are several projects in the any
instrumental project that are related with VO
(besides the Database itself) - The analysis of the data with VO tools
- The pipe-line process
- The inverse pipe-line (simulators) --gt Virtual
telescopes - (a complete calibration of the
instruments and the telescopes is needed)
27Virtual Telescopes (Gerad Lemson)
Virtual Telescope and Theory roadmap http//www.iv
- VO is a productivity tool (so that astronomers
can focus on astronomy instead of computation
issues). - It is by its nature a multidisciplinary task
involving astronomy, computation and technology. - You are already using the VO, although, maybe,
you are not aware of it. It is not a new
strange thing. - VO will work better, as any tool, if feedback
from users is provided Your opinion is
important. - VO implies a new way to understand astrophysics
(as any other technological improvement).