Title: Teachers workshop
1Teachers workshop
2 Santa Monica Bay Observatory (SMBO)
Latitude 33 55.9 N Longitude 118 42.9
W Deployed June 21, 2001 by MBARI Towed
July 28, 2003 2nd deployment
February 4, 2005 by UCLA
3On the mooring .
4What data are available on the net?
5Meteorological parameters
- air temperature C
- barometric pressure mbar
- wind speed m/s
- wind direction , 0 north, 90 east
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7Surface ocean parameters
- Conductivity Temperature Depth
- conductivity S a measure of how easily
electric current passes through water. Salinity
is calculated from conductivity - temperature C
- depth dbar
- density can be calculated from salinity,
temperature, and depth
8... more surface ocean parameters
- Optical instruments
- fluorometer measures the chlorophyll-a content
of phytoplankton cells in the water via the - fluorescence V
9Principle of fluorescence measurements
Reemission of longer wavelength photons by a
molecule that has absorbed photons of shorter
10Principle of fluorescence measurements
Fluorometer emits a certain wavelength, causes
chlorophyll to emit red fluorescence (longer
wavelength) Fluorescence intensity is typically
directly proportional (linear) to concentration
Light detector
Wavelengths specific to compound
Emission filter
Excitation filter
Wavelengths created by compound
Cuvette or Sample cell
Specific wavelength of light
11... more surface ocean parameters
- Optical instruments
- transmissometer measures suspended and dissolved
solids in the water - light attenuation, turbidity, suspended water
mass transport, visibility
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- Temperature and salinity string CTDs are
attached to mooring cable in 10m steps down to
100m water depths
- Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler to measure
the ocean currents down to 100m
16Santa Monica Bay Observatory June November 2001
17How to get to the data
- http//quercus.igpp.ucla.edu/sm
bo/ -
- Life Access Server
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22Our research vessel
23What kind of data do we collect on the boat?
Underway measurements sea surface
temperatures sea surface salinity sea surface
fluorescence Ocean currents down to 80m water
depth Measurements on station Vertical profile
for water temperature and salinity Dissolved
inorganic carbon Nutrients Chlorophyll Phytoplankt
on species Iron
24How to collect water samples
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